Right to Erasure for a game without datastore

I recently got a message from Roblox about " Right to Erasure - Action Requested".
I’ve never seen this before so it took me some time to understand what it actually wanted me to do, but I figured it’s to basically delete all the database info for a specific user.

Well, slight problem, the game doesn’t use a database. It doesn’t store ANY data whatsoever. So, do I need to worry/do anything or can I just ignore the message?

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If you are 100% that there is no data saved at all for the user than you do not need to worry.

This can include, Leadstat values etc

If it’s what I think it is,
Anything related to the player must be removed. Name, Id.
Even decals/text.
If there’s nothing then you should be fine

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Serious stuff but if you’re positive there’s no way for info to have been stored you’re fine. It’s more of a notification that this user requested Roblox to erase all their data and thus they are notifying basically every game they’ve ever joined. Not a direct target to your game.

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Yep, there’s no database, there’s not even a server script. It’s all local scripts.

I got that same message today as well for a game I have not updated in ages. I’ve already checked through and I use absolutely no datastores whatever and when I looked up the user ID it comes with a 404 I have not got a clue on how to even use datastores in the slightest.

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Me too! I got the same message, no clue who they are, can’t look it up because they are terminated. A bunch of devs have been getting the same message. Is this the doing of bots targeting devs? Or genuine people?

In the game, I had no data store whatsoever. Just a feedback GUI connected with the webhook that was turned off. I don’t even know who the user was.