Right to erasure - action requests?

I recently got a message from roblox stating I was storing person information but I dont as I only store a players coins, rebirths, etc. I even looked up the user by typing in the userid and the page I got didnt exit so I assume he got banned of the platform something as we dont store personal information. here is the photo

I apologize if this does not go into scripting support as i dont know where this should be going but it has datastores invovled so I am putting it here for now. Thanks.


Users in California or other areas subject to GDPR erasure requests can request to have their account and all linked data deleted from a web service. To comply, just call :RemoveAsync on the datastore that has their saved data with their user id as a key (or however else you have the key formatted in your data saving system).

Side note - I fixed a minor typo in your title :slightly_smiling_face:


Doesnt it only apply to personal information?

Try the search button first off since others have covered this topic already and there are other posts about it.

I believe it does, which is why it wouldn’t mean the end of the world if you don’t immediately erase their data (as long as there’s no user input or user generated terms in there). Roblox is legally obligated to erase all PII when they receive one of these requests, but there’s no feasible way for them to search the data stores of every game they’ve played and reliably or logically remove just the personally identifiable information. This message is just letting you know to erase all PII IF you’re storing any or else you could get into legal trouble.

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If it only applies to personal data then why should I have the need to delete it if I am not storing there personal data as I am only storing there stats?

What is wrong with removing their stats, when roblox has sent a message directly to you already saying to remove their datastores?

its not the stats thats the issue. They stated we were storing persinal information on a player when we dont do that. I stated the in the post

Oh, so if you aren’t storing any personal information then I guess you can just ignore that part. But still will have to erase the datastore stats of that person.

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What happens when no action is taken? For example if the dev is retired and doesn’t use studio anymore.

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I think your account gets warned, banned, or a fine.

It should be the same with Roblox as well. I got the same thing but I fixed it.

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Also I don’t think you’re suppose to show the ID if they told you to remove it.


You are not supposed to show the id, the whole point is removing any information that was connected to the person or their account.


I’m really getting tired of getting these requests almost every day, I don’t even understand why anyone would go through the trouble of requesting this - game data is typically not sensitive at all. Can’t we just consent to have Roblox remove the data automatically when an account is deleted? Provided we use the standard u_uid or user_uid format. After all, this is how Roblox knows to send us the message to begin with.


Is there anything I can do I cant publish a Roblox game so I can’t get rid of it
(my user id is banned yours is too i think Roblox is being hacked)