Right to Erasure. New policy? Some questions and concerns

About GDPR and CCPA (roblox.com)
What I’ve done:
I’ve gotten a message about a new policy that we have to reset user’s Datas. I’ve went ahead on studio to delete their data manually.

My Questions and concerns:
Can I just manually reset data for anyone that requests it or does there have to be a button for users to clear data? For a game that has starter money and the ability to drop money it can easily allow users to dupe money and break game if there is a button. Another thing is for players who cheat and use third party exploits, if we can’t store their UserIds, can’t players just get free unbans by requestions their data be reset?

Extra opinions:
How do I work around this and what’s the importance of a roblox account userID? The UserId can be seen by anyone and everyone and has no other meaning that is more than a username and if anything, it has less meaning and less is private. It’s not like a private ID that can be used to access accounts. Saving a UserId isn’t like saving your bank account number or something that no one knows about, it’s already public info!

The notice:

It’s not required to have an in-game button for right of erasure, I believe; There just has to be a way for people to request data deletion(which Roblox handles themselves by having the requests go through them). Right Of Erasure does not cover bans, so you won’t have to unban users who submit RoE requests(look at this exception

source: Right to erasure | ICO

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