Right to erasure questions

Hello, I am not sure if this is the right place but I have many important questions about Right to Erasure requests

I’d recently got my first one and this has been concerning for me. It was received on some random free model place, and I had no idea what the datastore names were or anything (alot of things were deleted). The place was used a while ago.

So today I’d like a few questions answered, and it’d be appreciated if these questions can be answered.

  1. What happens if you do not comply with the Right to Erasure Request (such as forgetting to)? Do you get banned from rblx, or do you get into other troubles?

  2. What happens if a right to erasure request is requested from a person who made there game inactive a while ago. Would they still have to handle requests?

  3. What happens if a user quits the platform and doesn’t respond to requests? Are developers required to still deal with requests even after they want to quit the platform?

If anyone has the answers or somewhat of an answer to these questions, it’d be appreciated if you posted them. Thank you for reading!

(I’d been hesitant about creating games on roblox because of this.)

I still need help with this, bumping.

Revert the free model place to a version with the data store names in place, so you’re able to remove the User ID’s data.

I’m pretty sure that the only way Right to erasure requests happens is through removing your account, so obviously you still have to erase data.