Right to Erasure

I’m not sure if this is the right category for this, but what should I do when I get a message from Roblox saying “Right to Erasure- Action Requested”? The message was very vague and I’m not sure how to remove user ids from my records. I don’t know what records these are or how to see them. The links provided didn’t help me much, so if anyone knows what to do in this situation I’d love the advice.

Basically just remove anything stored on the user. Right to Erasure is a legal requirement so you must remove any data.

For example if you have any user tracking system (like in an external database or something remove it) or if you have a datastore which saves data on the user (e.g. there amount of in-game currency) remove it.

In other words if you have anything stored which relates to them remove it.


The thing is, the game it’s targeting doesn’t have any sort of code that I know holds user data. I’ve tried completely overwriting the game and I’m still getting these messages. Is taking down the experience enough to stop this?

Could you explain this a little more? Is what you are trying to say is that you keep getting a message about it inside of your messages or have you only been sent one?

I believe that the way that Roblox Right to Erasure system works is that it will message every owner of a game that the user has joined because some people store data in external databases meaning it’s not as simple as removing data from a datastore so that is probs why even though you have no data then you still get a message. If you have no data stored on the user then you don’t require to do anything else I believe.

Sorry if I didn’t explain well, I’ve gotten three of the messages over time. All were for the same person at the same experience. One was before I remade the game and two came after. I’m thinking that I should try to overwrite it again but I am not sure.

I don’t think there is much you can do then. The way that Roblox works is that if someone requests all information to be removed from an experience Roblox has to comply to the request for legal reasons. Very likely the user keeps wanting there data to be removed so because of that Roblox send a message to all experiences that they have ever played or somthing.

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