Rights Manager - Media files become attached to the wrong creation

When you create a new removal request in the Rights Manager, you are able to include multiple creations and attach a description + related media files to each one. However, sometimes after you submit a removal request that includes more than one creation, the media files you uploaded under one creation can sometimes end up being attached to the wrong creation.

This sometimes happens at random once you submit the removal request. No clear way to repro 100% of the time.


Before anything, make sure that your account is eligible to use the Rights Manager.

Say that we are going to make a removal request for 2 different creations:

  1. Go to the Rights Manager and click “New Removal Request”.
  2. Fill out the provided form for your creation. Include at least 1 media file, and make sure each file you add has a unique name.
  3. Add the creation.
  4. Add a second creation, and repeat steps 2-3.
  5. Finish the removal request, and submit.
  6. Go back to your removal requests and find the one you just submitted.
  7. Check “Files” on that removal request. Some file(s) from creation #1 may or may not be under creation #2, and vice-versa.


Here is a request I previously submitted, with two creations. (Censored most of the information for privacy)

When I was making the request, creation #1 had My game.png and Copied game 1.png under it, and creation #2 had My game.png and Copied game 2.png under it.

However, when the request was submitted, some of the files got swapped around - creation #1 ended up with two My game files, and creation #2 ended up with two different Copied game files. What’s important to note here is that creation #2 ended up with a file that was meant for creation #1.

Expected behavior

When you submit a removal request, the files attached to an individual creation should not get swapped to a different creation.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/rights-manager/removal-requests

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Checked in on this issue, and I believe it’s been fixed. If you see anything weird, hit me up.


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