Rights Manager: Page Crashes When Multiple Links Are Added in "Creations You're Reporting" Section

There is a bug in the Rights Manager feature when submitting a new Removal Request. Specifically, if you add multiple links in the “Creations you’re reporting” section, the page crashes and becomes unresponsive.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to the Rights Manager - Removal Requests section.
  2. Create a new Removal Request.
  3. In the “Creations you’re reporting” section, add more than one link (e.g., multiple game or asset links).
  4. The page will crash or become unresponsive.

Expected Result:
The page should handle multiple links in the “Creations you’re reporting” section without crashing or freezing.

Actual Result:
The page crashes and stops responding when multiple links are entered in the “Creations you’re reporting” section.



Just checked on this, can confirm it is happening on my client.

Thanks for the report! Just to confirm, we are investigating this issue.

I think we’ve fixed this issue. Please let me know if you still have trouble with this, @raskolibov .


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