RightUpperLeg Is not visible

I was in Team Create with my friend and suddenly the RightUpperLeg of every model in the game disappeared. They are still there transparency is 0 but they are not visible. Neither my friend nor I did it. We quit and reopened and it didn’t work. We opened a new game and put a model from the toolbox into it. RightUpperLeg was not visible in it also still Some models are visible, some are not. How can we fix it?


This happened to me too its still missing

I figured out the mesh was somehow deleted, using a different R15 model fixed my issue

Exact same thing happened to me, glad it isn’t just me.

Hopefully someone finds a solution or a patch comes out. I don’t want to redo all my models.

i figured out how to fix,replace MeshId with this https://assetdelivery.roblox.com/v1/asset/?id=7430071119

Ah… yea mine just fixed themselves, roblox fixed whatever was causing the problem.

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