rightVector and upVector

one of the changes on the ROBLOX Official Changelog:

Is it supposed to be out/working? I tried it in a way very similar to how I would go about using lookVector and I get this:

Here is my code:

Am I doing something wrong? The strange part is that it works on Play Solo, but not online.

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Has your Roblox Studio updated? It works for me.

1, 0, 0

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That’s the thing. It works in studio, but not online.


Until I find that rightVector works online I’m just going to be using this as a substitute:

(part.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0)).lookVector * -1

while seems to do the trick.

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local _,_,_,xx,_,_,xy,_,_,xz,_,_ = part.CFrame:Components()
local RightVector = Vector3.new(xx,xy,xz)

lol thanks

Oh, never saw your post. It’s out now, I forgot that I had to enable it for servers too.

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