Hello! This is the official Rigs World Devlog where I will be posting regular updates on the development of the game.
Here is a link to Rigs World [Alpha]
Latest update:
V0.17 (10/2/25)
- Players that fall off the map will now be teleported back to spawn.
- Fixed Transition Frame not covering the whole screen on mobile.
- Fixed Changelog page bugging out on mobile.
Previous updates:
- Currently working on the next map update as well as some back end optimizations! It will take a couple of days.
- Brainstorming (100.0%)
- Building Modelling (100.0%)
- Layout (100.0%)
- Update AI pathfinding (0.0%)
V0.16 (28/1/25)
- Fixed RifleRig not spawning.
- Improved RifleRig’s accuracy. Now it will find players to target. If no players is in sight, it will move to the flag.
- Fixed Rain getting into tents.
- Fixed lighting after rain. Now it will no longer be unrealistically bright after raining.
- Fixed issues with Rigs spawn falling into the void.
V0.15 (27/1/25)
- Fixed FlankRig stuck on tents
- Fixed FlankRig dmg even after dead
- Nerfed FlankRig by reducing dmg and spawn rate
- Increased flag health from 1000 to 2000
- Reduced price of Shotgun MK I
- Reduced spread of all Shotgun pallets
- Added a new Ammo stockpile area
- Reduced DefaultRig dps on players
- Added the ability for players to regain health over time
- Released a new Rig called RifleRig
- RifleRig is will be the second Rig that will primarily target the player.
It is a range unit and attack from a distance unlike the FlankRig which does melee attacks. It is highly recommended to find cover to shield against bullets from RifleRigs.
V0.14 (26/1/25)
This is a Major update
- Fixed the bug where ExplosionRig will deal insane amount of death damage.
- Added a weather cycle that works together with the day night cycle.
- Added the FLANKRIG. FlankRig has a very high topspeed but at the cost of a reduced health. It is the first Rig that will focus on attacking the players instead of the Flag.
V0.13 (25/1/25)
- Added an official discord server to the game.
- Fixed the amount of health that all Rigs’ should have when they are spawned which was wrong before.
- Added 2 new weapon types: the shotgun and the sniper. I will let you guys explore it.
- Added ammo stockpile for the two new weapon types as well.
- Added a fitness tent.
- Fixed 1 bug
The tents will be relevant in the future shhh
V0.12 (23/1/25)
- Colour coded each weapon tier for easier identification.
- Fixed level up notification popping up when players join the game even though they did not level up.
- Adjusted the ExplosionRig sound so now the further the Rig is, the softer the explosion becomes.
- Back-end organization.
V0.11 (22/1/25)
- Fixed BigRig not rewarding players with Studs after they killed it.
- Added a new premium vendor with working GUI.
- Added new Weapon tier system where players get to spend their Studs on better weapons.
- New weapons are in the new Big Tent, while starter weapons are out in front.
- Reduced the teleport time after the round ended.
- Back-end optimization and bug fixes.
V0.10 (21/1/25)
- Shifted the mute and unmute button to top left with a better UI.
- Added a new leaderstat system called “Levels”. Players increase their levels by getting more kills.
- The in-game leaderboard will now only display Studs and Levels of each player (removed kills). However the global leaderboards will still display studs and kills.
- The new Levels and progress bar now displays on the bottom right of the player’s screen.
- Revamped the wave UI to by replacing it with a custom theme to better match other UIs.
- Added dynamic cloud system.
- Increased BigRig’s speed to make it more aggressive.
- Increased the blast radius of ExplosiveRig to better match its explosion effect.
- Made some backend optimization.
V0.09 (19/1/25)
- Added a new rig: The BIGRIG. It has a larger health pool and deals more damage. But slower hit rate. The Big Rig usually comes out at around wave 5 to 6.
- Added a new gun: The Pistol. It has a higher damage output than the AR but slower fire rate. It also has a smaller ammunition capacity than the AR.
- Added signages to guide new players.
- Made an area for weapon collection.
- Made some backend changes and organization
- Fixed some bugs and performance issues.
- Reduce teleportation time between rounds.
V0.07 (17/1/25)
- Added a new Kills Recording system for kills tracking
- Added a global leaderboard for studs
- Added a global leaderboard for kills
V0.08 (18/1/25)
- Added unrealistic blood system to the rigs
- Remodeled and customized the rigs
- Added sound and visual effects to some of the rigs
- Reduce the damage a DefaultRig can do to the Block(base)
- Increase magazine capacity of the Auto Rifle
- Adjusted the UI elements to better fit smaller screens
- Fix timer and wave number errors
- Reduced the number of Rigs spawned in beginning waves, which makes it easier to go to later waves
- Trimmed the grass for better visuals
- Reduced the time to complete one Day/Night cycle
- Reduced the volume of music