RIP Video Ad Revenue again

Not sure if this is because a direct deal ran out or if Roblox killed ads again but I am earning half as much robux from twice as many visits from the 20th December. Last time this happened was on a half-term week for UK. Now it happens just as the winter holidays are coming up. It is really annoying that this happens during the busiest times for my games.
Any admin know the situation?
Just having some information information about when direct deals will run out would help with planning finances for those that rely on it. Perhaps put it on the trade page under the Ad Revenue tab?

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Same. We actually were spoiled these past ~2 months because we got direct deals with ad suppliers which matched the <13 market roblox is aiming for. It was a temporary fix and I guess now is when the deal is closing. I used to earn 3-8x what I do now… :confused: