This topic is not relevant anymore, but thank you everyone for your suggestions and feedback!
Old Post
I am releasing one of my first games, RISE, this weekend. RISE is a round based, parkour game where you have to rise higher in order to escape rising water. (No, it is not a copy of flood escape 2.)
I am looking for feedback on the loading/intro UI, please let me know what you think. I know that this is a very basic and simplistic design, but it matches the games style. Criticisms is wanted!
Please Note: The first screen (initial rising water) is kind of like a loading bar, in the sense that it gets higher and higher based on what percent a player is loaded into the game.
(The black boxes on the top and bottom are not UI’s, they are part of my screen.)
You see with most UI’s sometimes they don’t follow suite with the games actual theme and you have made such a design where it not only tells me what the game is about without even reading the description so well done!
I would however make it more clear that the game is loading, at the moment, most of the UI elements are very still, leading players to think the game is frozen.
To combat this issue, you could try to have the letters drift up and down slowly to signify that the game is still processing.
As well as this, the water may benefit from an easing style such as Enum.EasingStyle.Quad as the linear tweening feels a bit too ‘sudden’.
Looks great, but just add like a “…” to signify that the game is loading, as slow computers will take longer to complete the loading phase & people like me will lose patience.
But the 2nd time it goes back up, the water is in front of the letters and when it comes back down the logo has water on it which is a nice touch.
It may need to be shortened, but the first rising should be the one to be cut out. Or perhaps make the point the water comes down to higher and the animation a little faster.