Rise of the Isolated

Hello everyone! :star:

I’m currently working on an open world survival game called “Rise of the Isolated”. I have a ton of features that are expected to come later on. However, I’m looking for some constructive feedback about how I can overall make my game interesting, unique, and fun. I have a ridiculous amount of things that I’m planning on adding to the game so it still has potential. It would also be nice if you can find bugs for me to fix so that I can make everyone’s experience much better than it already is. ( It’s still in development and things are expected to change or completely be revamped. Also, your data “currently” doesn’t save, but that is expected to change as time goes on.)

As I always say, thank you for viewing my topic! :grin:

Link to the game: Rise of the Isolated {Pre-Beta} - Roblox

In-Game Screenshot


Not bad! But map could use some more details, Adding more color and textures would be nice. Lights and neon too?

If you want, friend me and I can help with it! ( No charge because I do this for fun!)

If you don’t trust me, check out my posts to be sure!