Rivendell, Elven city Showcase

Its been in the making since last year in December, as I’ve been working on it for fun and just whenever I felt like it… So twice a week if I’m being honest.

This build was based off of Jerry Vanderstelt’s painting of Rivendell.

Anyways, I discontinued it as I’m remaking it but here’s what it looks like so far.

Though, there isn’t much, I thought I might as well share it.

Part count is 31k

If you want to see what it looks like in-game then here you go!

And if you have any feedback, it would be appreciated for the remake :slight_smile:


That is absolutely amazing! :+1:

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Great build this is truly amazing! Do you build mostly in blender or studio?

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What do you mean there isn’t much??? That is incredible! There is more detail in that than most every other showcase, and you aren’t even finished! Keep it up!

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Mostly studio but lots of blender too

Thats beautiful. I love the LoTR series and I just have to say its amazing.

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It looks beautiful! I don’t think you should remake it.

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This is really really really really good how??? Rivendell looked really cool in the painting but it looks even better in 3d

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excellent one of the best I’ve ever seen!

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Wow, just AMAZING!
Keep this up!

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Tries to get jaw back up My jaws have dropped! This is such beauty! Pat on the back for that amazing work!

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