Riverside Hotel & Resort | Hotel Rules

"With Riverside, you can go anywhere."

By joining our group or playing our games you have agreed to follow our rules and if you failed to follow our rules, you can be punished.

Section 1; General Behavior

(1) Trolling is not allowed within Riverside facilities and will result in a kick with 3 prior warnings.
(2) Spamming is not allowed within Riverside facilities and will result in a kick without prior warning.
(3) Abusing caps is not allowed within Riverside facilities and will result in a kick with 3 prior warnings.
(4) Being aggressive towards our staff member is not allowed within Riverside facilities and will result in a kick with 3 prior warnings.
(5) Bypassing chat filter is not allowed within Riverside facilities and will result in a global ban for 3 days to infinite.
(6) Causing drama is not allowed within Riverside facilities and will result in a kick without prior warning.
(7) Asking or sharing private information is not allowed in Riverside facilities and will result in a global ban for 7 days to infinite.
(8) Common Senses are applied in this rule.
(9) A player with prior kick getting 3 warnings will result in a server ban, doing this in another server again will result in a global ban for 1 day to 14 days.

Section 2; Exploiting

(1) “Exploiting” means disturbing player experience by using an external program.
(2) Exploiting is not allowed within Riverside facilities and will result in a global ban for 7 days to infinite.
(3) When exploiting is confirmed, HR+ may slock the hotel and follow the exploiting/raiding guidelines.
(4) We can take legal action towards to exploiters if we believe they have caused permanent game disorder and have caused very significant damage to the group.

Section 3; Raiding

(1) Raiding is not allowed within Riverside facilities and will result in a global ban for 3 days to infinite.
(2) When raiding is confirmed, HR+ may slock the hotel and follow the exploiting/raiding guidelines.

Section 4; Punishment

(1) Punishment can be issued by MR+ following this rules.
(2) Punishments in Riverside are:

  • Kick: Kicking violator out of the server (can rejoin)
  • Server Ban: Kicking violator out of the server and preventing from rejoining the server
  • Global Ban: Kicking violator out of the server and preventing from rejoining the game

(3) Global Banned players can appeal their punishment by contacting SHR if they think it is unfair.

Last update: 03/29/21

Signed by,

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