"With Riverside, you can go anywhere."
Hello! My name is [name], and I’ll be your helper today!
We will begin with questions, are you ready?
(Send all of the questions one at a time.)
- Q1: Please state a greeting when you are serving a guest!
- Q2: Who do you give suite rooms?
- Q3: How many warnings do trollers get?
- Q4: How many warnings do exploiters/spammers get?
- Q5: How do you warn people?
Great job! Now, I’ll move onto the trolling test! You will be dealing with me as I’m a troller.
Tip: Warnings must be given before calling MR+.
Please don’t take anything seriously since this is a test to check if you have the ability to get a job.
(Trolling test checklists)
- If they are providing a proper greeting
- If they are giving a proper warning (both of verbal and command warnings)
- If they are being calm and kind
- If they are using a proper grammar
(When troll test ends, tell them how good they did and bring them to the line where they were standing on.)
Last update: 01/29/20
Signed by,