Riverside Hotel & Resort | Session Host Guidelines

"With Riverside, you can go anywhere."

Section 1; Requesting a Session

Before hosting a session, you are to request a session in #request-session.
Once your request got approved, you are ready to host a session.

Section 2; Preparing a Session

You are to join the server 10~15 minutes prior to prepare the session.
Check every tool are functional, check the guidelines if you missed something.

You are to assign the roles to staff members by using the following command:

:change [username] duty [assignable role]

Assignable roles are:

  • Host
  • Co-Host
  • Receptionist Trainer
  • Receptionist Helper
  • Security Trainer
  • Security Helper

Note the staff member’s names to log the session properly.

Section 3; Co-Host

As a Host, you can select the Co-Host if you need it. They will take place if you have to leave the session before concluding it.

Section 4; Starting a Session

Congratulations, you can now start a session! Trainees will start joining the session at the scheduled time. If there’s a guest in the session, you are to kick them. If they keep joining the session, you may server ban them.

Slock the session when the scheduled time has come. And follow the following guidelines:

:m Hello, everyone! Welcome to [scheduled time] training session!

:m I’m your Host, [your name]! And this is my Co-Host, [co-host name]! I’m here with my Co-Host to help you train, I wish you the best luck on passing this session!

:m Before instructing rules, I want all of the receptionist trainees to say “C7RN”. So we can check if you have a safe chat.
(You can use :name all C7RN instead of above, if their name is tagged, they have a safe chat.)
(Tell safe chatters to train for other jobs)

:m I’ll now go over some rules. Please do not talk during this time, it might distract other people.

:m [TRAINEE 1] Please listen to your trainer, they are giving you a lot of valuable information that will help you pass the training.

:m [TRAINEE 2] Our staff are spending their time to help you pass the training, so please be respectful to them at all times.

:m [TRAINEE 3] Please do not use any foul language within Riverside, this will lead to serious discipline.

:m [TRAINEE 4] Please do not talk when the trainer is talking, this might distract other people.

:m [STAFF 1] If you fail a good trainee, further investigation will be taken.

:m [STAFF 2] Please use grammar and be professional at all times within Riverside, you are being a role model for the trainees.

:m [STAFF 3] When a trainee has passed, bring back to the line they have trained for.

:m [STAFF 4] You are also not allowed to use any foul language within Riverside, this will lead to serious discipline.

:m Now, all trainees and staff can head to your assigned station. Good luck!

(Kick excess staff members)

Rank passed trainees and tell trainees to leave the session.
After that, take a screenshot with staff members.

You are to log the session in #session-logs following the format.

Last update: 01/28/20

Signed by,

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