Ro-320: Displays, Hydraulics, & other major updates!

*i haven’t been updating this much, but here’s a todo list for the game:


New Ro-320 Updates!


  • Charlotte Douglas International Airport has now been added!!
  • Exterior Lights (Landing, Nose, & Runway - Other ones will come later)
  • Smoothened Button Interaction - Buttons will now play an animation when pressed!
  • New Hover UI - A new UI inspired by Microsoft Flight Simulator gives a description of a hovered button.
  • Detent Retention - Previously, shutting off power will reset all light switches, etc. back to their default position. All switches will now retain their position when power is lost!
  • New PFD and ND Placeholder.
  • More Realistic Display Self-Test times, along with a vignette effect to more accurately replicate the Airbus displays’ effects!
  • Enhanced Integral Lighting
  • Minor fix with Evac Panel logic
  • Enhanced Material Texturing and Lighting

Thanks for your support for Ro-320!!

Update History:



  • The PFD and ND have been replaced with a static placeholder image to look cool for now!
  • DCDU, MCDU, and Standby Attitude also has their own screens now!
  • On Startup, Screens will play a “flash” effect similar to a real A320! Zoom out while turning on power to see it!
  • Added new sounds, including the GPWS Test! Try it out with the GPWS Switch next to either PFD’s
  • APU Fire test will now work on battery power for added realism.
  • Enhanced Atmospheric Lighting
  • Enhanced Integral Lighting
  • Fixed the position of the Console lights (previously was on the floor due to an inaccuracy

I am considering importing my KCLT Runway into Ro-320 for the next update, and adding exterior lighting. Let me know if you have any feedback for this in the Group Wall! Thanks!


HYDRAULICS SYSTEM! The Engines are now connected to the Green and Yellow hydraulic loops.

  • The Power Transfer Unit is now operational and, along with the brakes, works with the Engines and Yellow Elec Pump!
  • CIRCUIT BREAKERS! Overhead C/B Panel is all done, along with bits of the rear panel. They don’t actually control any electrical systems, but now come with sounds and animations when pressed!
  • MCDU Screens! All displays will also now play a “flash” effect upon startup, similar to a real A320.
  • Revamped lighting, also got rid of the eclipse scenery.
  • Minor bug fixes such as glitchy engine levers.
  • Engines will now shut down when fuel pumps are disabled while running.
  • Fixed bugged engine masters when power is lost
  • New Icon and Thumbnails! (Mostly to avoid copyright)
  • still pretty busy with school, gonna have less updates for now!!
    (Physical Thrust/Movement is not yet available, but revving the thrust levers will make the engine audibly speed up)
    (Engine ECAM is not yet available, will be released in the following days!)

  • Autobrake/Parking Brake connected realistically to plane

  • Hydraulic System (Only PTU plus Elec Pump atm, expect issues)

  • Brake+Accumulator Pressure Gauge

  • Engine+APU Bleed Systems (Air Packs for Eng Starting)

  • Cargo Fire Testing

  • Landing gear lever

  • ADF Bearing gauge

  • Additional jump seats and rear circuit breakers

    Buttons can now be registered as being held down, so lots of things are more realistic now, such as having to hold the fire test button instead of toggling

  • Refined Button Sound Effects

  • Revamped thrust lever

  • Revamped ECAM warning/caution handler, it now looks closer to real life.

  • Revamped button styles for a smoother, more rich look. The button labels are now properly centered, the outlines are thicker, and the colors have been adjusted to match a real life A320 more closely.

  • Revamped auto brake/landing gear panel

  • Fixed APU Startup Time being unrealistic

  • More realistic surface texturing

  • Improved optimization

  • Some bug fixes, including Glitchy Thrust Levers and Annunciator Light Testing

  • Improved small modeling details (screws, blank panels, etc)

Obviously, Engines are a massive and high-maintenance thing to add. There will be many bugs! If you spot one, please use the in-game report feature!!

  • Glitchy Flaps Lever
  • Glitchy Engine Master Levers
  • UI Overhead Sections

Join WrenchStudios and follow game notifications for future updates like these!

Thanks for your support for Ro-320!



There will be also a new Boeing simulator coming out soon! A new devforum thread will be made for progress on that. Thank you!