Ro-Photoshop [Fastest Image Editor & Drawing Module]
Roblox’s Fastest Drawing Module / Image Editor
Caution: This remains a private project, and only way to get it at the moment is by buying it. Although, we might release this in 2030s to the Public for free when people overall would have access to more powerful devices and image libraries.
While we would love to make this freely available to everyone, we are refraining from doing so primarily due to the project’s current lack of funding.
This originally started as an image editor by @Puzzled3d with CanvasDraw for one of our upcoming games where any Roblox User through any platform such as Console, PC, Mobile, IPad could create Clothes for Roblox via a Roblox Game while everything is being handled by an external server along with an external database, a website for moderation & management, however, after a while we realized the performance the image editor had, was not enough to be smooth in low-end devices, so I decided to re-create his work with a totally new Module with highly optimized algorithms, and advanced techniques to provide it with the best performance possible.
This is also Roblox’s First Parallel / Multi-threaded Image Editor and Drawing Module
v0.1 by @Ranw8g7, @baconddddddd1, @Puzzled3d

What is RoPhotoshop?
Ro-Photoshop is Roblox’s Fastest graphical library that makes it easy to render pixels onto EditableImage
objects. With support for almost everything that ordinary Image Editor Softwares provide you but inside of Roblox.
Originally inspired by CanvasDraw, and then OSGL.
What makes this Module exclusive is most of the features that ordinary image editors have, our module also provides (Which is where its name comes from.), and most importantly the performance it provides has no match. It also lets you use SurfaceUI inside of ViewportFrame objects, and provides you with all Roblox Vector-based Fonts that can be used inside of Editableimage objects. (This is the only Module in Roblox that provides those features).
Currently in beta, Ro-Photoshop is the fastest EditableImage
library that exists and that will ever exist. Doesn’t matter how long time passes, this will remain Roblox’s Fastest Drawing Module forever unless Roblox decides to incorporate GPU functions that you could take advantage of with Luau.
This is Roblox’s only Drawing module that can handle 1024x1024 Canvas Full Drawing with almost NO FPS Drop even in low-end devices for at least its image editor that comes with it. This could also be same case for your project, if you correctly take advantage of the module functions.
This is at the max potential of Roblox, this project comes from thousands of hours of studying LuauVM, CPUs, and Roblox & EditableImage. It can’t get any faster. This module fully takes advantage of Roblox & LuauVM, and CPU&GPU.
This module knows how to fully take advantage of your Hardware capabilities at the edge of Roblox Limits.
Blending Modes
Our module supports a wide range of 30+ blending modes, allowing for advanced image manipulation:
Standard Modes
- Normal
- Replace
- Dissolve
- Behind
Darkening Modes
- Darken
- Multiply
- Color Burn
- Linear Burn
- Darker Color
Lightening Modes
- Lighten
- Screen
- Color Dodge
- Linear Dodge
- Lighter Color
Contrast Modes
- Overlay
- Soft Light
- Hard Light
- Linear Light
- Pin Light
- Hard Mix
Inversion & Difference Modes
- Difference
- Exclusion
- Subtract
- Divide
HSL & Other Modes
- Hue
- Saturation
- Color
- Luminosity
- Vivid Light
Brush Strokes
Multiple brush types for different artistic styles:
- Airbrush Stroke
- Basic Stroke
- Calligraphy Stroke
- Marker Stroke
- Natural Pencil Stroke
- Watercolor Stroke
- Oil Brushes (4 Types)
Editing Tools
A variety of tools are available to enhance editing capabilities:
Selection Tools
- Circle Select
- Lasso Select
- Square Select
- Magic Wand
- Pen Select
Drawing & Painting Tools
- Draw Brush
- Draw Pencil
- Draw Square
- Draw Circle
- Draw Shapes
- Fill Tool
- History Brush
Transform & Utility Tools
- Move Tool
- Line Draw
- Shape Tool
- Zoom Tool
- Blur Tool
- Erase Tool
- Eyedropper Tool
- Transform Tool
- Image Tool
- Text (Vector-based, supports all Roblox fonts that Roblox TextLabels support with all of modes such as italic, bold, stroke and everything else)
Color Picker
Supports the following color formats:
Built-in Color Picker, sliders, layer system, and settings that you can use
- Color Picker: You can change Color, Transparency, or manually enter Color via RGB, HEX
- Layer System: Create layers, merge layers, duplicate, delete, modify opacity, hide/show, mirror on any axis, and you can also rename them.
- Settings: Mirroring Axis, Ruler, Guide Overlays, Smoothness, Sensitivity, Size, Stroke Thickness, choosing between Pixelated Cursor / UI Cursor & Overlays & More settings.
Zooming / Moving Around
- You can zoom in, out, and move around the Canvas. The most important feature of this is when you zoom in or out, it will keep your Cursor on the same pixel on the Canvas as before the zooming.
Save / Load / Edit / Delete
- You can easily save, load, edit, or delete the Image Editor Templates.
Multi-player Image Editor
- With just one click, you can take advantage of Party System that the module has, that would let several players use the same Image editor, and draw onto it.
Most of the features above are probably Image Editor-specific, and it was just a part of the Module. It also comes with everything you need for pixel manipulation, and Editableimage manipulation .
Easily Render your Image/Canvas onto 3D Models, Parts
- By taking advantage of Editableimage DrawProjectedImage, or a very advanced method that we created before Roblox Introduced DrawProjectedImage, you can draw your Canvas onto 3D objects, doesn’t matter whether it has curves or not at Lightning-Speed.
SurfaceUI in ViewportFrame
- Provides you with features that you can easily use to project your Canvas onto any side of the SurfaceUI in ViewportFrame, doesn’t matter what it is, again at Lightning-Speed.
Dynamic Device Optimizer
- This is a feature that can be enabled by the Developer if they want to, it’ll take the first few seconds when every player joins the game, and optimizes the Drawing Module & Image Editor according to their devices to take full advantage of. Dynamic Device Optimizer can be integrated into your game’s loading process so players will not even notice it.
Tons of Drawing & Image manipulations functions for Developers
- It comes with hundreds of functions that developers could use for whatever projects they have, for pixel manipulation, mass pixel manipulation, image manipulation, and tons of other stuff that will not be mentioned here. Some of the functions only exist here that Developers could use to take their project performance to another level.
Performance Comparison [1024x1024 Pixel Maniuplation] between CanvasDraw & OSGL & RoPhotoshop
All of the Performance tests have been done in Roblox Client, as Roblox Studio Performance does not represent players performance when they play your Game. Due to Roblox Client not being able to take advantage of Native Code Generation [Machine Code] @native, additional overhead, not being able to take full advantage of all CPU threads, and many more.
Blending Mode: Normal
Average FPS: 8 while Fast-Drawing with the Basic Brush
Blending Mode: Difference
Average FPS: 3 while Fast-Drawing with the Basic Brush
Blending Mode: Normal
Average FPS: 14 while Fast-Drawing with the Basic Brush
Blending Mode: Difference
Average FPS: 6 while Fast-Drawing with the Basic Brush
Blending Mode: Normal
Average FPS: 231 while Fast-Drawing with the Basic Brush
Blending Mode: Difference
Average FPS: 227 while Fast-Drawing with the Basic Brush
Background Performance [Canvas at 60 FPS - Resolution: 1024x1024]:
Average FPS: 169 while moving the Cursor around with Pixelated Cursor
Average FPS: 181 while moving the Cursor around with Pixelated Cursor
Average FPS: 239 while moving the Cursor around with Pixelated Cursor
While its Image Editor is an absolute killer, Pixel Manipulation without full use of the features the module provides would make the difference between these modules significantly smaller. So, this huge difference is mostly with the Image Editor that comes with it. While with pixel manipulation, it beats the speed of both CanvasDraw & OSGL with less time & better performance, however, the difference is not big without taking advantage of the functions that come with it. There might be some rare scenarios where you might not be able to fully take advantage of them, and in these scenarios, you’d still be able to benefit from the little performance boost this provides as compared to other image libraries.
This module also might not easy to use as CanvasDraw or OSGL. It is also specifically made for Image Editors, although, it can be used for Game Engines and other stuff but might not be ideal, also might not provide a huge performance boost in some cases. However, for image editors or Drawing Games, this is guaranteed to provide a performance at least 100 times faster than Roblox’s second fastest Drawing Module or Roblox’s non-RoPhotoshop Fastest Drawing Game.
This does not diminish the capabilities of CanvasDraw or OSGL in any way, nor does it undermine their functionality or effectiveness. We like both of them, and I personally prefer CanvasDraw.
For that reason, I made this module compatible with CanvasDraw for most things, meaning you can use both of them together on the same Canvas.
Feel free to try the test place for the Image Editor with only DarwPencil tool, and 2 Blending Modes: Normal, Difference at 1024x1024 Canvas resolution, and 0-512 Radius (Size) Support with any color, or alpha.
Ro-Photoshop Test Place
This is a limited version.
In case you wanna also test ordinary image editors performance:
Ordinary Image Editor Test Place
This is also a performance difference between an ordinary image editor, and Ro-Photoshop Performance at 1024x1024, and big radius while Drawing
Ordinary Image Editor Performance [can be OSGL, CanvasDraw, or pretty much any other module or even if using Editableimage directly]
Ro-Photoshop Performance
This project is still in development, we’ll continue to update it until we fully release it.
We’re open to feedback and suggestions! Let me know what features you’d like to see.
For Drawing Games, Image Editors: It will remain the fastest, and is currently faster than any other Image Editor or Drawing Games in Roblox by over 150 times. It is also the only Image Editor that can run smoothly with no FPS drop in low-end devices.
Huge Thanks to @Puzzled3d, he was the person who created almost all of the Image Editor, and later I went through all of it.
If you decide to purchase it, then you’ll receive all the updates we make to it, and also get support from us whenever needed. We can also help with setting it up for your game!