Road Lines "underlap" road

Roads lines just simply disappear when test running the game Client Side

Left Is client, Right is Server Side/Studio

I’m making a bridge using arch and some align plugin to get everything even, everything looks perfect until I go into a client (testing) server side and studio everything is the same and right but when you go into a Client Side and Server side are completely different, Road lines are raised and scaled properly, everything is even.

would i be correct in assuming these paint marks are parts? if so can you confirm that they are anchored, or even present on the client?

They are parts correct, they are anchored and present in client you can see them “Glitching/Phasing” Through the road base.

interesting that that would only happen on the client. you might be able to cheat and just make them thicker as assuming they are non colliding (which i certainly hope is the case) their actual pos/size wont affect gameplay

otherwise, is there any client side scripts or such things that could be affecting their position?

How many studs higher are the lines?
Can you trust the align plugin you are using? I’ve never had to use one.

If you are using long Parts one of the issues is that they may not get places at the exact Orientation in Studio as they do in game due to rounding of the CFrame values of the Part.
You can have a long row of short road lines that are perfectly placed, but if the road part is 200 studs long then any Orientation difference of .005 degrees would give you (.005 / 200) inv tan = .0014 studs difference in where the surface of the road is.

I usually raise the surface of parts like this about .003 studs above the base surface and make them CanCollide false. A good way to check is to zoom out in Studio and see if they start to clip through. If they do then I raise them another .001 studs and zoom out again to check.

Not a single script in game, all road lines have collisions disabled. I did not find a long term solution but raising the lines higher and higher til they show somewhat fixes it but doesn’t.
Client Sided:

Server Sided:

After raising the line evenly with the top base of the road the problem still occurs.

Raising them fixes it but it’s not the best cup of tea, you are correct my shorter roads not on an angle works perfectly fine with long lines. I have them barley placed above the road and collisions below even with the road base.

If you don’t want to raise them up higher you could maybe try Unanchoring the lines and use WeldConstraints to weld them to the Anchored Road Part. If the road tilts slightly the lines should stay in place.

Raising them with the weld constraint works, thanks for the feedback. All thought I don’t know if itll be a long term fix but we will see !!

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