Road To Gramby's - The Blue Update

Road To Gramby’s - The Blue Update

Hello there travelers, bandits, and good grandchildren alike! Road to Gramby’s is still in the early stages (only 2.5 months since we wrote our first line of code!), so we’re still laying a lot of the foundation for the project. We’ve just released our first official update, here’s what’s been added since the game’s public release & what’s coming:


  • New interface for useful game features
  • Game pass page
  • Players page (request to teleport)
  • Wads page
    -You can also find Wads in loot structures on your trip!
  • Item/Prebuilt assembly shop (survival only)
  • Creations page (VIP servers only)
    –You can now save creations in VIP servers with the tool gun and access/share them here!


  • Dental Insurance - spawn with a full set of teeth
  • Tech parts - spawn with some tech parts in your garage
  • WMD - spawn with some very destructive weapons!


  • Using a Wad in survival will add 10 wads to your wallet
  • *Rough Xbox support - currently doesn’t support turnable items, such as radio or delayer, menu selection might be buggy
  • *Rough VR support - currently unstable, doesn’t support any UI. will be fixing this ASAP
  • Mobile support
  • Added icons for mobile
  • Health bar
  • Guns now shoot projectiles instead of hitscan
  • Code groundwork for a lot of client-side interactions for tools


  • Loot sheds replaced by loot shacks of varying types with different colors of roof
  • Snow biome
  • Dark forest biome
  • Improved terrain generation around structures
  • Biome blending
  • Fixed teleporting (respawning) back home from far away causing issues
  • Added numbers to houses
  • Added sign at spawn houses pointing you in the right direction
  • Added mile markers
  • Fixed houses spawning in the middle of the road
  • Changed spawn biome into the Spawn Forest


  • Lock
  • Propeller
  • Rubber band
  • Cannon
  • Cannonball
  • Remote control button
  • Grenade
  • Shotgun
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Rocket

Bug fixes

  • Improved grabbing to mitigate your hands getting stuck
  • Guns can no longer shoot through walls
  • Getting stuck in the floor should be far less common
  • Fixed random parts existing near spawn houses
  • Fixed terrain spawning in your basement

and a bunch more!

Hotfix updates coming in the next few days:

  • Accurate hotkey displays on menus for mobile/keyboard/gamepad
  • VIP server admin panel and privileges
  • Ironing out gamepad and VR support
  • Christmas-themed events
  • Some optimizations
  • Fixing glitching out if you drive into an unloaded chunk

On the way
Our next update will most likely be focused on making the world feel vibrant, challenging, and give you a reason to go out and explore! Some of the things on our list:

  • Biome ambience
  • Way more structures
  • Dangerous AI
  • Friendly NPCs
  • Achievements/rewards
  • More ways to earn money

Thank you guys for your support, and happy holidays!




…removed gramby