I’m back! Roadblocks is basically a youtube channel where developers get interviewed, they discuss about the challenges they have faced during their careers, about their games etc and it is just super wonderful to watch. Trust me, if you are a developer and want to strive to be a successful developer one day (like me) then definitely watch these videos out as it is very worth it in the long run. Many people have been left thinking how development really is like in the long run, developers on twitter post their work on their twitter page but they don’t speak about how many challenges they have faced when they was working and so it is important to know that there will be tough challenges during your journey as a roblox developer and that is exactly what Roadblocks brings so be sure to watch it and ermm yeah! You will definitely not regret it at the end of the day.
I definitely benefited and learnt a lot about the challenges when watching the videos. (Roadblocks is too underrated)
Awesome channel. This channel is suuuuuuper underrated! I highly recommend some folks to watch his videos. Very inspiring to upcoming developers on the Roblox Platform.
It’s a very creative idea. The only time i have seen a type of content like this is with minecraft-geometry dash story videos. Pretty creative to do in roblox considering it’s big history.
This is an absolutely amazing series! Every episode is top quality and its really interesting hearing the stories of so many developers on the Roblox platform. I highly recommend this series to everyone : D
I show full on support to this. For me, this is really interesting as I am a developer myself, and seeing a documentary about successful roblox creators is a really awesome idea.