Roads are falling apart due to floating point errors

Over a year of uploading and opening the same place file. It has finally gotten to a point where I can’t take it anymore. Floating point errors ruin Roblox. If they’re never fixed then Roblox will never go anywhere. Woah Simbuilder, you sound a bit extreme. Yeah I do, and for good reason take a look at this.

This is what happens when I do nothing for a year with the same place data. Floating point errors are unacceptable, fix them asap.

Here’s what the rotation of one of the parts. Every single part in this place is off by some decimal. With big parts it becomes noticeable.


I had a place that was off by 0.02 or something on one rotation axis.

Here’s some code I made to fix that place if it’ll help you:

Run this in the command line to use it:

_G.recurse(workspace, function(_,v)
    if v:IsA("BasePart") then

You can tweak the second parameter of round() on line 53 to make it more aggressive.


This is by far the most annoying thing about Studio.

It happens all the time to me - which is a huge problem when you’re building a vehicle where every part has a slight rotation etc.


I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even build anymore, solely because of how impossible it gets with the floating point errors. How hard can it be to fix the dragger tool

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Yep this needs to be fixed. Given up building anything meaningful as it’s just too annoying to manually fix the errors. Might try Echo’s code later on, but we shouldn’t have to do that honestly.

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Why I posted doesn’t even really fix the issue – it just prevents it from getting worse. It’ll continue to happen over time, and on top of that, even when you “fix” the rotations, you end up with an equally aggravating issue. When you’re working with the parts with slight rotation errors, you’re still going to line them up so the connection between them is flush. Here’s an over-exaggerated example:

When you “fix” their rotations, this happens:

Pretty much all of the parts in your place will be misaligned and not connecting with others properly. Realistically the parts will look more like this:

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Oh so that’s why parts in my place look like that even after manually fixing them, good to know. Here’s hoping for a imminent fix then.

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This bug has been around for years. Sadly I don’t think a fix is imminent.

Yeah I know, still it could happen this year maybe. If we keep bringing it to their attention, eventually someone will get round to fixing it.

This is probably studio’s biggest con ATM.

Have you ever determined what the actual cause is?

Is it the save/load cycle dropping bits of precision?
Are you dragging the entire workspace around?

I’m not sure if it’s the only cause, but I know that just using the rotate tool on single parts causes loss of precision.