Roast people to gain hate simulator review

Hello fellow developers! I am currently making a game called, “roast people to gain hate simulator”. I would like you to give me suggestions and a review of the game so far. (I’ve only been making the game for a day.)

First Video

Second Video


you could make it so that the npcs talk back, it would make things more interesting and possibly another way to make them hate you even more.

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I made it, so the NPC’s talk back, but other ways to make them hate you is a good idea.

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i might have some ways to make them hate you instead of using words:

  1. purposely bump them
  2. never stop following them
  3. invade their personal space by getting too close
  4. hit them
  5. laugh at them

Use #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback for feedback on your creations.

Could you please convert the video into an mp4?

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I’ll do both right now.


There is a video so you can check it out rn.

You should make it so users can choose which answer they say! 1 one be a mean reason, and 2 would be nice. The goal would be to be mean, so if you pick the mean one, you get points. If you be nice, then you get nothing and then run away.

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I might implement that, but I am also making something like X/Twitter inside of it. On the X/Twitter thing you tweet something mean about someone. Example: “NPC needs speed boosters to walk 1 cm.”

That would probably be easier to make, and to make look good. But, are you comfortable making a game that promotes hate towards “real” people?

I’m just using their avatars because it’s easier and I suck at making avatars in studio and out studio.

It’s going to be names like Bob and Freddy.

If you be nice, then you get nothing and then run away.

making it so you get less points (less hate) would be better

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I’m going to put the next video up soon…

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