Roblo - School A New Idea

Im currently working on a huge project, Roblo-School, Its a huge roblox school teaching 3 topics, Scripting, Moddeling, Designing.

The place for everyone, Roblo - School,
Leave your opinions on the idea.

31.05.2024, Roblo - school, A new place, Better one


Well you haven’t really explained much about it, is this a roblox game? A website? Are actual people going to teach this?

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it is gonna be a roblox game, actual people teaching it :smiley:

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though its not gonna be free, free trial (AKA basic, is free for 7 days until you need to wait a month to use it again or pay 10 robux for 2 weeks / 50 robux for pernament version, then theres premium, it has 2x more classes and you get more perks its around 100 robux, and the final one 250 robux, golden plan, it has 4x more classes, almost like a real school, 15 minute breaks then another lesson, and all perks, and finnaly admin (not a plan) gets free access to all classes all perks and commands (not any op ones, just like warn 1 minute cooldown and 3 warns = kick, 5 warns = timeout 1 hour, and 10 = perma ban) and a instructor one (10 robux a hour) for those who are geniuenly bored, gets the ability to create classes, 1 class = 25 robux and all you need to do to get it is to ask a admin or developer and take a test and teaching class and then you are good to go)

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I mean if it is a game, will there be roles? Such as hiring teachers to teach? Is this like an actual school, or is it just a hub filled with UI and showcases to teach people by themselves? Also, personal opinion but I won’t want to pay to join these and would rather watch YouTube tutorials or read DevForum posts, so you need a unique selling point (USP) to differentiate you from others, in this case using teachers I assume, but how will you go about with implementing this (many people want a reason to buy or participate with your classes)? Also, what happens if the student disconnects? Did they lose the time that they paid for? Also, how will classes be created? I like the concept, but getting the right teachers with experience would be hard, and making them do a test to get hired isn’t ideal, instead seeing their portfolios and work would be way better. Anyone can search for the test answers and complete the quiz, without any history or experience with the field. But, these are all questions I have regarding this project. I think it is fantastic and can build a community of Robloxians, and I like the idea. I can’t wait to see how you will implement this. Good luck!


It sounds interesting, but how are you going to ensure that people genuinely teach meaningful classes?
What’s stopping someone from taking the test, passing, and then trolling in the game?
I also think that people with the actual skills to teach a course in building, coding, etc would want more payment than suggested, 10 robux is about $0.03 in terms of devex money, for an hour of work?

I think the only way this could function is as a website, with dollars and not robux. Unfortunately I think a Roblox game for this sort of thing won’t bring in people wanting to learn but rather people wanting to play it as a game.

Maybe instead you could set it up like lectures? So you have a community Guilded server where you announce lectures, and how much it would cost per lecture, or offer a membership that gives access to these lectures. Then, people willing to watch can join that specific lecture at a set time, and if they cannot make it release a recording onto guilded for those who paid but could not attend. This way you can hire teachers that you would pay, ultimately improving the quality of the classes and attracting the community to more people.

Just my thoughts, but best of luck!


Hey there,

Honestly i feel like i will need to be raising the prices of all these based on the school population, Inflation like, And the teachers? Theyre gonna be fine, The pay raises are almost all the time accepted, And if im gonna go bankrupt by it? Then i can get some more robux and sponsor the game (ads suck these days everyone uses ro-pro and adblcokers)

And the teachers teaching protocol is eazy, just tell me the time you will be working, the salary, then go through a couple of tests and thats it, and the trolling? there is none. Theres admins, Global chat logs (teacherwise and adminwise) and incase theres a troll then i can just ban him. its not that hard. I can even make a anti troll system.

And the studens get a free 5-7 day plan (basic wise) and it will be not good for most of them because the cl;asses might be full) that will be a problem for later though, i know i sound like im hungry for money, but i just want to show people their passions, and the teachers probably will be doing it because of boredom!

Thanks for the feedback!

Teachers = yes
Ui and showcases = no, there will be classes that actual people will be teaching (more affective)
and theres a free plan, 5-7 day one, based on how bankrupt i will go,
nope. they dont lose the time they paid for, after jojning, they will be redirected to the school imediently
the tests are manual, Almost impossible to robot- and possible essays and stuff,
There is a verification meter

Wage 1 = Having a account not longer then a year
Wage 2 = Having a account not longer then a month (Already a red flag)
Wage 3 = Not having any favorites, Being a bacon.
Wage 4 (instant ban) = Not having any friends, not any inventory items, and not having any idea of what you are doing here.

4 Points of wage = ban
3 points of wage = red flag - ON WATCH BY ADMINS
2 points of wage = yellow flag - ON CHAT LOGS
1 points of wage = nothing

except for chat logs (second type one - bassicly less important)

I understand the concept but are people really going to want to work a part time job in Roblox for very very low pay in comparison to a real job?

The only way you’ll be able to hire someone genuinely skilled will be by offering them a living wage, at $7.25 per hour or whatever it is in the US. And, unless you’re charging a minimum of 200 Robux per lesson this isn’t going to add up.
Not just the teachers, but hiring round-the-clock admins, and are you going to be on the game all the time to monitor the chat? There may be a few people willing to do it for free, but these people will likely be unable to teach their subject at the level most people would want.

I also think banning people based on if they’re a “bacon” or have favourites really won’t go well.

well its not banning, unless you have atleast 1 more thing

also its for people that have freetime and are borewd