Roblox’s Algorithm Changes Are Killing Our Game

Not actually, since what you posted isn’t an issue to begin with.


Well, in all fairness, they should base it on data. That’s why it’s called an algorithm, as opposed to it being hand-picked.

That being said, the way the data is being used to calculate impressions is obviously doing something wrong. Roblox seems to make the requirements too mushy and changes everything around without informing the developers.


I’ve had the same issue with one of my most recent games, car wash tycoon was holding around 1-2k active… but the first week of May, everything dropped, now we’re lucky if the game hits triple digits.


I also experienced the spike in April and dip in May with Case Clicker, but it seems to have rebounded and is beginning to spike again in June.

In fact, I got a few notifications in my insights that I’m reaching 6 month peaks this month.


It’s reassuring knowing that I’m not the only one who has experienced this


While it’s not related to the main discovery algorithm, I think the points I raised in Roblox search is inaccurate for our game - #11 by LuaBearyGood this post recently are relevant to the topic.

From our data the search algorithm also got significantly worse around the same time


I don’t know we should attack him for his statement, Yes you both are experiencing totally different situations but it doesn’t mean anyone is right or wrong.

I’m hoping Roblox can acknowledge these changes soon. I can update the game until I’m blue in the face but if a game gets next to zero new users, it’s destined to fail. Old players need to be replaced with new ones for a game to survive.
Look at this graph:



If Roblox does end up rolling back anything, I hope it doesn’t push back the games like mine that have been positively affected by this algorithm change.


Notice how your users are from home page click-throughs, discovery is the same.

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Hmm well I guess the players have to go somewhere if they don’t play the other games in this post…

Would you mind sharing what game these stats are for?

To add to this we experienced something similar with SharkBite 2.
Our player base was gradually rising until it wasn’t and took a substantial blow for seemingly no reason. It’s definitely concerning and suggests an algorithm change.


Something to add on here, the algorithm is clearly strongly promoting new games. The problem is that it is promoting new games that are objectively worse in terms of metrics then existing games in the genre. New games should only be heavily promoted if their metrics are better or equal to existing games, not if they are worse.


Im starting to fit the puzzle pieces together here :eyes::mag_right:

My friend Ayrrows recently released a game and it has began receiving ~100 CCU without any sponsors / YT promotion. 100% the work of the new algorithm

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Hi gamer961, thank you for sharing this feedback - we really appreciate it. I’ve shared this post with the team and we’re looking into it. We’ll have an update in the coming weeks.


Thanks - but why weeks? I need to be making hard decisions with my team and deciding how to move forward now, any extra time is cutting into our rainy day fund and shortening the time we have to try and make something else.


“Coming weeks” isn’t really acceptable when peoples livelihoods are on the line. I’m not sure how this is really a hard decision to make, its clear there’s an issue, would it not be possible to revert to the version of the algorithm before all of this started?


Im pretty sure that the problem is just the removal of the friend activity tab and game invites being moved to notifications instead of direct messages

I dont think the algorithm has anything to do with this

(Replied to the wrong person lol)

Bring back the friend activity tab

Possibly, it should be possible to revert that then if that is the cause.

Absolutely, I dont really see the reason why I they decided to remove such a useful tab

I used it myself to find new games to play

As I already stated in this thread, I used to see bad business on my friend activity tab almost every day because a lot of my friends play it consistently but now that the friend activity tab is gone I have to search for the game if I wanna play it

So yea I’m pretty sure that the cause of these bad statistics is the removal of the tab or its just people preparing for exams