Hello there!
Today i will show you a 2016 - 2019 coregui, first i need to tell you this coregui is now work in process and not everything was made by me so the credit will on down this topic
So Here is a coregui image and video
If you want coregui here you go: https://create.roblox.com/marketplace/asset/13651409086
Backpack,HealthBar,BirthDate,Name And PlayerList Was Make By erazias And Edit By Me
thumbstick By foilplays And Make It Classic By Me
DropHat System By Unknow(Don’t Know The Original)
Old Lighting By pobammer
Old Camera By TheEpicObbyCreator And Edit By Me And Clonetrooper1019
Old Sound By Unknow(Don’t Know The Original)
Topbar,Chat,Cursor And Device System By Me
So here my discord SinisterZombie#0
So here my roblox profile Sinster_Zombie - Roblox
So here my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZB8SHMn6-x6uXKkZo_9LQQ
And another one https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc4H2Sx9K9P5tnIIb722obw
And remember, i won’t for hiring!
Feel free to ask me everything except robux!
October 12, 2023, 1:55pm
This is very epic, will use. Too bad you can’t hide the roblox menu thing.
You can so here is a tutorial
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October 12, 2023, 1:57pm
I meant at runtime for the actual game but this would work
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I don’t know if it still works but renaming a Player’s PlayerGui on join would break and not show the topbar.
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they patched it already because someone smart leaked it on devforum
i didn’t test this but if you rename something it will be broken except menu and chat because the coregui script i was getting it from the 2016 coregui script and make it working so if you found some bugs or something feel free to tell me!
Really? I didn’t know this before
renaming playergui will do nothing now
February 27, 2024, 3:46am
Definitely not recommended
Actually I will say that new roblox Ui is broken my 2016 CoreGUI but anyways i iwll try to find ways to fix it
Now all the issue was been fixed. thank you for reporting me about this!
February 29, 2024, 9:21pm
There is already a UI that replicates Mid 2015 UI… Why would I need to buy this instead of just using this??
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And can I ask you why I can’t do it then?
November 14, 2024, 6:36pm
2016 one does not work and gives a whole bunch of errors.
is not updated anymore i think