Roblox 2019 Events Update

I like this idea. I think normal events should be replaced with events like this. However, seasonal events shouldn’t be replaced. Image if Roblox didn’t have the egg hunt, or the Bloxy’s. Seasonal events are one of the best parts of Roblox. A lot of players have fond memories of going to the egg hunt, and having fun.


Honestly you’re right. The monthlies I could care less about; maybe the occasional monthly event? But the seasonals should stay. They are a tradition and a good one.


I do not really like them but nobody forces me to put them so I have no problem.


Devs are already doing this with Twitter codes, hidden things in games, and as well as updates and datasaves for rp games bring you back for cash and there in game things it’s just a rename but is really dumb idea as Roblox events are unique to just Roblox and really fun this is something that needs more time to. Consider if it will do well which it won’t just loose players as I don’t find going to a game to do something fun when it’s boring


I’m fearful for the future of this update. I know people definitely won’t like the change, but I can definitely seem some potential. Time will tell.


I don’t see a point in these live-ops events. Normal events with avatar customization prizes are a better way to promote games rather than promoting , lets say 50 a month and asking people to click on those games play buttons for a prize in the game.


There will be so many of these ‘events’ that people will stop participating because what’s the point? I don’t feel like players would play these ‘events’ in the first place if they’re not interested in the game, because in-game items are completely useless to them if they don’t actively play said game.


Yeah Live-Ops :partying_face:, Although you might see a decrease in funding without the monthly events even the idea is fine :open_mouth:

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It is alright. It is a fine idea. All I can just say is this is a 1 step forward, 2 steps backward. They did improve some things but removing the events only are 2 steps in reverse. I don’t see the point? I need to know why they removed events for this? I don’t see how Live-Ops even associates with events?


Just a question about “Infringement” and copyright in general, seeing as it’s, whilst also a big thing in law, we “Can not use any third-party content” without authorisation. I’m somewhat familiar about how Copyright works however, if a concept of something, such as a book, is taken and developed, is it still cast as copyright infringement?

The best example I can provide is “SwordBurst 2” and “Sword Art Online”, while I know these two aren’t directly linked (SB1 was originally going to be based off SAO), SB2 uses things such as “Floors”, with “Dungeons”, typically with mazes (another feature of SAO), and “Dungeon Bosses”, with even some items resembling names and/or appearances of SAO items.

Would things like these be allowed? I.E the concept is generally the same as someone elses product, but the actual game is different, if you get what I mean, though it’s probably a bit vague.

By concept, I refer to things like, for example, in the case of SB2 and SAO, gathering equipment, going to dungeons, finding the boss room, beating the boss and advancing to the next floor.

By game, I mean the actual game’s content, like the buildings and game art.

EDIT: Bold means that its in both SB2 and SAO


I dont think this is a great idea. There is no point to play an event on a game which players have never played before, because if there is no item which they can earn in it that could be used in any game, people wont be playing it.


Never really thought of that. I guess that is something worth asking to be safe for. But I suggest moving this reply to the “More information about our DMCA policy” thread.


Pretty sure that’s not copyright. Mechanics can’t be copyrighted, only products.

Patents, maybe.

I’m not a lawyer.


Over 8 years of tradition, and you’re still taking it away from us.

I hope LiveOps is well received, or else you’re about to receive the biggest community backlash since the removal of tickets.

Egg Hunts, Halloween and other events were part of what makes Roblox special. What made the community so warm and welcoming.


Backlash is only a matter of time, I can already see the mass exodus of disgruntled users.

Only time will tell.


I propose two possible solutions:

  1. Allow developers to create their own hats/accessories and award them to players. This would give a purpose for players to play the events (‘Live-ops’) and would allow teams of developers to carry on traditions such as egg hunts. This was also promised when the removal of tix occured but has not happened yet.


  1. Stop this change and carry on with events, even if they are less frequent and just the seasonal ones. This would keep players happy.

I’m not sure I fully understand why this change had to be made in the first place. Why is this necessary?


Probably a business move to cut costs, or make more money from item sales, or both. Roblox is a corporation after all.


Mass exodus? Where? I haven’t seen anyone leaving because of this.

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Saying that is roughly equivalent to people in active house fires not leaving their house and then saying “well there is no fire near me, I don’t see the point in leaving. Why is everyone so scared?”

On roblox, at least for me, events were one of a slowly decreasing list of reasons to develop for the platform. All at once you would get the folowing:

  • You would be getting paid for your work (even if roblox thought the value “was not large in the first place”)
  • You’d get to be highlighted for at least a few weeks where your game (potential brand, for example Red Manta or Berezaa Games) would receive lots of, sometimes needed, attention.
  • In cases where the highlighted game was new, you would be almost instantly and totally reassured that your game would have a following. This goes double for event-specific games.
  • In cases where the event was major (Egg Hunt, Giftsplosion, Halloween) you would receive a massive boost in purchases for the first week, equal to releasing games on Steam.

And now that’s all gone. For what reason? Did someone at roblox get tired of making meshes in blender? Did jackintheblox leaving really have that big of an effect on developer or public relarions?

In case someone at Roblox is reading these posts, I’m listing my other reasons to develop for Roblox:

  • You can make money! In fact people have made so much money Roblox added a 2 million dollar payout.
  • The experience you receive in Studio can translate really well to other game engines, such as Unity.
  • All the gross parts of making games - Distribution, marketing, toolchains - have been handled for you. You can literally make a simple jump rope game in 30 seconds if you know what you’re doing, then have your friends playing it with you in another 30 seconds.

Long-time Players quitting [because of the updates and maybe various reasons] I’m actually surprised you never heard about it.

(side note : I was one of these users who left after a certain update dropped and created much controversy but enough about my ramblings for now)