Hi, I am FudgeKing, a game developer and youtuber in the Roblox Community. https://www.youtube.com/@FudgeKingYT
My team has been working on the game Pixel Blade, and we own the group Frost Blade Games. To keep it brief, the owner of our group was scammed and his account was compromised. He entered his account info into a roblox login replica page
and although he had 2FA, the scammer managed to completely take the account and has set up their own 2FA. We need to get an admin’s attention to freeze the group somehow, as the hacker is actively paying out all of the group funds (we had ~2M robux).
We’ve already contacted Roblox Support, but that could take days to get a response from, and is not fully reliable. Ultimately, we understand this is a long shot and that losing the account was completely our fault, however if any help can be given, it would be greatly appreciated.
Lastly, I want to spread awareness about the scam to prevent other developers from losing their account. Essentially, a ‘moderator’ of the Scriptbloxian Studios discord group reaches out and convinces you to verify your roblox account with the server. DO NOT TRUST the scriptbloxian studios discord even though it has over 20,000 members. In hindsight, it seems idiotic to have given out account information, but this scam was very elaborate and managed to trick one of my team.
Please give advice to help us resolve this issue, let us know any hacker situations you’ve encountered and what happened, or help us get an admin’s attention!
Thank you for your help!
We on the devforum can’t do much. The admins don’t really check here.
Bit late now, but Scriptbloxian Studios doesn’t actually have a Discord group. The one you saw is botted and is entirely for the purpose of trying to steal Robux and accounts from developers. I’ve received that exact same message multiple times, and usually tell them (quite impolitely) to leave me alone, or otherwise just pretend that yeah, I scammed the person in the screenshot.
But yeah, always exercise caution if you need to log in to anything, or if someone “bans” you from something you’ve never heard of.
this isn’t the place for support, I recommend going to Roblox Support
Knowing Roblox support they will say that they are not affiliated with discord and not help
This is one of the most common discord scams. Keep in mind if someone says something happened then it doesn’t instantly mean it’s true
The scam you encountering seems like this one or similiar explained here:
I would first say to contact Roblox Support like people said above and the catagory would probably be:
However theres no guranteed you will get your account back but aslong as you provide valid proof of ownership such as contacting via the verified email or providing payment info
Keep in mind hackers often just set your account under 13 if you arent ID verified and this removes your email from robloxs records due to COPPA laws
Also the discord bot isn’t even verified. I am not saying that verified apps are trustworthy (Because anyone can get it by verifiying their ID) but this should be probably the least way to check if the bot is malicious or not
UPDATE: Roblox support was very helpful and managed to restore the funds back to our account.
We used contact support and were able to get the group restored and then Roblox got to work confiscating all the funds which the hacker spent. We later sent another request asking that the funds be restored, and about a week later they restored the funds for us.
Thank you for your concern and advice!