I was writting a script when the ai thing made a suggestion, but idk why it game me this because it was really weird.
I have nothing in the remote folder called DataEditor and no scripts which would need a string send through a remote event. When you put the Chinese text through translate it says “F… you F… you”. Please fix this because the ai keeps giving these dumb suggestions.
i have a theory, when uploading a game, theres a checkbox to allow the ai to train on your game, i have a hunch that people have been mass making these games with scripts that contain inappropriate content, thus the ai sees a lot of that and well, thinks its a good thing to suggest
If you want to just disable it, go to the studio settings and on the part where it says “Script Editor” click on it, scroll down until it says Code Assist, and turn it off.
the ai is trained on public modules so it’s probably someone or a group of people trying to poison the training material in order to get the ai to generate these suggestions