Roblox allow weebly links?

The reason I am asking this is that I have found multiple games linking a weebly website inside their game and reported abuse regarding the fact it is an offsite link but yet no moderation action was taken. This brings the question is it “technically” against the tos but roblox moderation isn’t enforcing it…

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Yup it would be against the rules. There’s a list of allowed domains, and it’s very limited. I think Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube? Someone should add to that though if I’m wrong.

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Short answer: No.

Long answer: You can if you link it in a tweet then link your TWITTER (not the tweet). Directly linking the weebly is not allowed.

It is direct lniking

He’s saying that he’s found other games that directly have the weebly URL inside of the game on a GUI, not asking how he can link to his own weebly site

Hence why I said direct linking is not allowed.

I believe it is against ToS to direct users towards a Tweet that links to somewhere else, I’ve seen it somewhere on the forum recently, I’ll attempt to find it when I get home.

Like I said, you can’t link the tweet but you can link a Twitter.

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My apologies.

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I feel the filter the moderation system uses should be wider. For example, look in nearly any public group with a decent amount of members, and you see spam bots bypassing the filtering system to post malicious websites.

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