Roblox anchored models/block cannot move

Hello! This issue is very annoying, every time I make block or everything anchored it won’t let me move it by using move tool, if I drag it around it will move even it’s anchored or unanchored block. I’ve try to shutdown and rejoining the studio, and the result is still the same. It occurred in yesterday when I was building. I literally had everything anchored, and I was moving it, and a few minutes later I can’t move anchored blocks, only unanchored block. Does anyone know know how to solve this?

Gif of it:

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Are collisions on? That can have some bugs. (Not in the properties, in your model/home tab.)

I’ve got my collisions off all the time, and it still won’t allow me to move blocks or models.

Try reinstalling studio. This is the only thing I can think of.

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Just reinstalled studio, and checked if the bug is solved but it wasn’t, still the same issue.

Just use the f3x plugin, it doesn’t bug like studio and is very easy to use. I used to use studio until it started to glitch out and now I only ever use f3x.

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If constraints are enabled, next to collisions, this will occur.


You probably have constraits option turned on, this has happened to me before.