Roblox animation error

  • Edit * It was a roblox error

I was doing something then my animations completely bugged

i even went on a new clean baseplate and its still broken and it just happened completely out of nowhere
Is this a roblox issue or did i do something wrong


Making a bug report for Roblox right now.
Do you mind if I showcase these videos in it with credit?


My project is experiencing 100 different errors at once and unable to load, with no changes made. I think we’re safe to assume Roblox is partially down at the moment?


Yea sure that is fine byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy meeeeeeeeeeeee

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Here’s the post if you need it.

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literally had this just happen with the default roblox strafing animations.

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Yes we are cooked and the aliens are about to take over and eat our roblox characters like a chocolate candy bar :yum:

Your internet is probably kinda slow. Failing to load means it either couldn’t load because you don’t have permission or because your internet is slow.

it’s because you are using an animation that is not published under your account or the specific group you are using. However if that’s not the case, I’ve been experiencing some same issue as you’ve showed, but due to different reasons. It could be Roblox, but it’s most likely what I said earlier.