Roblox Animation Mirror Plugin (R6 support)

Hello there :wave:.

I was looking for a way to flip my R6 dribbling animation but the only results I found were to use Moon Animator (but I couldn’t find it) or another plugin that didn’t have R6 support.

I ended up creating my own that currently has R6 support and some code for R15 but I didn’t get to test yet. I took the CFrame calculation function from MIrrored Looping Animation.

To use it simply:

  1. Find the animation you want to flip (in the character’s AnimSaves Model) and select it
  2. Click the plugin’s button

Its done. You will find the final result in the same place as the original.

Hope you liked my first post and community plugin :+1:

– Edit (People asked for a video showcasing me using this plugin)

Boom! Super easy


Any Videos of the result and the normal?

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Hello, I have added a small video at the end of the post now.
Thanks for the suggestion :+1:

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Works like a charm, thank you!

My friend has been trying to find something like this :saluting_face:

Thanks for the help man! This saved me a lot of time :D.

Does this work for R15 animations also? This could be extremely useful if it does!

Please tell me this works with R15 :pray:t3:

Thing is, moon animator used to have a flip pose button, until it no longer exists for some reason

Use ctrl + R to flip your animations in moon.


It doesn’t work for me, it says “Invalid Selection – Please select a keyframe sequence. (Can be found in the AnimSaves model of character rigs)” but even when I select the right keyframe sequence it keeps on saying the same.

can you please send a screenshot of what you have selected and its properties

Can you add custom rig animation support? (Bone based custom imported mesh rigs)