Roblox API group funds

Hello! I wanted to know if it’s possible to distribute group funds automatically. I saw there was an endpoint to do that but it needs the owner’s robloxsecurity cookie (the API is owned by so it’s safe) and with the new session protection thing the cookie is always changing so I was wondering: if I make an alt account and give it permission to distribute funds, disable session protection, disable 2fa, then copy the cookie and store it somewhere secured (Roblox secret store or smth like that) then wipe the cookie of my computer, will it be safe? Like nobody is gonna guess the password so the only weak thing is the cookie but it’s stored only in a secure environment. Let’s imagine the group contains 1m robux, would i need to worry?

You would use Swagger UI but it is not well documented, I’d recommend using the console on your browser and check network requests to see what request is being sent when sending group funds. I would also recommend putting your cookie in a secret (Secrets Store General Availability) and using an alternative account to handle the transactions.