Roblox API Module v1.2

Hello NotJoosan, I had a looked into it and I got the same error so it seems like roproxy doesn’t support that Endpoint cause It keeps leading to an Authorization Error which happens with the Server Getting API endpoint.

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I remember, this API endpoint requires your .ROBLOSECURITY cookie, I don’t know why

And also I don’t recommend giving it while you’re using a proxy that you didn’t own, making your own is the safest way

You could try making an Alt Account and use that Alt Accounts .ROBLOSECURITY cookie.

This saved me a lot of time, Thanks!


You’re Welcome, I’m happy to see everyone use it and hope that it is helpful. :slight_smile:


Hello @alt_paulocezarnbr ,
Could you tell me what you exactly put in the Arguments because this works fine for me.

This is what I have for mine:
API:GetGroupIdFromName("Lunarless Studios") ← You can use Spaces

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When I have time I’ll look at GetGroupMembers also I’ll add a pcall on the HttpRequest just in case it fails to retrieve data from HttpRequest so It shouldn’t brake any of your systems in the future.

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I’ll also add these back with the new v2 Version of the API’s if possible and look at ways to improve them until they add this API on the Roblox Open Cloud.