Roblox API script: How to load place ID of other players' game

I want to know how to load place ID of other players’ game. This is a DIFFERENT question from transferring one game data to another. (I’m saying this to prevent confusion.) For example, in game called “PLS DONATE”, it loads player’s game passes, shirts, or whatever that they are selling. Similarly I want to load players’ game so I can let other people play like this game PLS PLAY (PLS PLAY 🎮 (Donation Game) - Roblox). I want to load this data by script.

So the input would be the player’s Id and the output would be the place ID of the games that the player owns.

Any help is appreciated.

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I am also struggling with issue

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What you could do, is add a single Part to Workspace and add a normal Script to the Part. Afterwards add the Place ID that you want the Player to teleport and then you want to add another Place connected to your original base and turn API Option “Allow Third Party Teleport” to true.

I will give you the Script once I wake up property I literally just woken up.

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I will give guide on how to do it just wait.

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Yea great idea. But I want to make a script that loads the PLACE IDs of the player’s games (random player).

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Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I ran few tests with the code you gave me by using my own User Id and it didn’t work out. I will show you.


local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Endpoint = ""

local function getPlayerExperiences(UserId)

	-- Sends a requjest to the API
	local playerExperiences = nil
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		playerExperiences = HttpService:GetAsync(string.format(Endpoint, UserId))

	-- If the request was successful
	if success then
		playerExperiences = HttpService:JSONDecode(playerExperiences) -- Converts the json response to a LUA table
		return playerExperiences
		return nil



I ran this code in Server script in ServiceScriptSerivce.

And the output was “nil”.

RoProxy is not a valid proxy anymore, they shut down a while ago. You’re going to have to make your own or look for another proxy.

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How do I make my own or find a new one?

Can you guide me please?

Oh wait, I just realized you didn’t enable HTTP requests. Make sure to enable them in game settings like the output says.

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I did and it still didn’t work…
RoProxy is not working anymore…
Do you know any other way to do it?

Damn mb It does work Thank you SO MUCH Katrist.

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