Roblox Approval Taking Ages

So I am trying to upload a thumbnail, I did it at about 9am BST, and It’s now 15:00 BST. My thumbnail is still waiting approval. I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but I remember when it used to take 10 - 15 minutes to be approved. It’s showing the waiting for approval image. I have no idea what’s going on.

It’s showing this image:

I have tried re-uploading it but it didn’t work.

Forum feedback is for forum concerns, not the website. Please read the category guidelines before posting in the future.

This is supposed to go in #platform-feedback:website-bugs


is it possible to move it?..

You can try to change the category by editing the post, otherwise you need to file a request via post approval.

However your post does not follow the bug report format, so it would be best to create a new post that follows the template.


I notice this only occurs during the weekend or some sort of brake who knows they might have a slower API running because it’s a little more careful without human guidance and doesn’t need a moderator to check them over. :man_shrugging: That’s my theory about why it’s slower not guaranteed.

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Does a moderator need to approve them or is it done by a bot?

I believe it’s a mix of both kind of like the USPS where they have a robot scanner for the mail and if that mail passes it passes for good but if it gets elected it’s checked. So without the employees at the office they have a slower more in-depth scanner.


There is a degree of automation (e.g. if an image with the same hash has already been uploaded, it won’t be reviewed a second time), but everything goes through a human.

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Do not misuse categories. Always check the About topic pinned in a category before posting there.

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