Roblox assets failing to load inside of experiences

The issue I’ve experienced:

Starting on the 18th of January, I noticed that whenever I join an experience, there are always assets not loading for me, such as textures, meshes, avatar items, body parts, animations, and unions. The objects would still be there for other players, and collidable for me, however they would be invisible for me, as they’ve not loaded into my experience. This has led me to think that this is a client related issue, as everything appears normal on other players end.

Solutions I’ve tried out.

I have explored multiple solutions such as uninstalling and reinstalling Roblox, clearing my cache files for Roblox, and changing my DNS settings. None of these solutions worked.

I posted some pictures of failed to load assets below, and was wondering it anyone could help me figure this out. Thanks!


I’m getting the same issue and I’ve even tried to clean reinstall my whole PC windows and all and it still didn’t fix it. I have no clue what’s causing this!


Are the missing parts Unions?


I am also having the same issue with the assets not loading especially with games that uses a lot of meshes, sounds, images, etc. This not only applies in-game using the Roblox player, but also in studio as well. I have also tried cleaning my cache and reinstalling the desktop app and nothing seemed to work for me. This has lasted a whole week and a half for me but I am not sure what is causing the issue.


Yeah, I’ve been having this issue for maybe two weeks now. Reinstalling Roblox hasn’t helped. Textures, meshes, particles, and most unions just will not load. Using shift f3 shows there are no assets in the queue to load either. They just do not exist.


I’m experiencing the same issue, in Roblox Studio as well.


Yeah, still an issue for me it’s making games unplayable. Anyone have any luck getting it fixed?


I also experienced the same issue from, images to meshes, to even animations just gone.


i’m having the same issue aswell


I have also had these problems starting around the same time.


this is an issue that needs to be addressed, I have been fortunate enough to not experience this problem yet, but it has been affecting a lot of my friends dating from december last year. To add to the main post, Roblox sound id’s also fail to load sometimes.


this has started happening to me since 12 hours ago, i hope they address the issue!!!