Roblox audio doesn't switch to higher priority device when I plug in headphones midgame

Edit: This post has received a lot more attention recently so I thought I would try to better explain it.


  1. I launch the Roblox Client on my PC with the audio coming out of my Monitor Speakers.
  2. I plug in headphones. Roblox still keeps coming out of my speakers. All other Windows sounds go through my headphones, but not Roblox.

After the Roblox Player is launched, it keeps using the same output regardless of a higher priority one being enabled. The only time it actually switches is when the currently used output device is disabled, but the moment it becomes available again it switches back to it. Or you’ll just have to relaunch the Client to get it to come out of the desired device.

Desired Behavior: I want Roblox to take into consideration my Windows output device priority and when a higher one becomes available, switch all output to it.

I don’t want to have to relaunch the game or navigate through all the output device windows to turn off the montor speakers. (I know, first-world problems.)


It works fine on my desktop and laptop, audio switches when I plug in/out headphones, this is probably a driver issue with your speakers / headphones.


I have this issue aswell, kinda annoying when you hop into a game while in a call w/ friends. :confused:


I know (from streaming where I played around with “isolating” games/music/voicechat on Virtual Audio Cables, for video editing later) that Roblox gets the default Playback device on startup, and sticks with it. I also think that normally, built-in Speakers and the headphone jack have the same Playback device. Are your speakers and headphones different devices? Seems to me as if plugging in your headphones adds that Playback devices and sets that as the new default.

should probably also mention which OS you use

I have the same issue

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Audio switches fine in my setup (OSX 10.12.1) so likely specific to setup.

Can you list out any relevant details, and can people confirm this issue?

I have the same issue as OP but I’m running Windows 10.

Could be a windows issue?

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Windows 10. Both Bluetooth and Audio Jack are treated as separate devices for some reason. So I have to set the headphones as the default device in order for it to change to them. I have had this issue happen across 3 different Windows 10 PCs and Laptops. (Including a Roblox work laptop lol)

I’m not sure what other data is relevant… I didn’t download anything special. I didn’t really change anything other than setting the default device to the headphones…

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When you launch any game, and then you change the output device in Windows settings… let’s say from your USB Speakers to your USB Headset; Roblox doesn’t appear to detect the change and continues to play audio through the original audio device selected when the game first launched.

This happens every time and in all games. To replicate, launch any game and change the output audio device in the Windows Settings. You will notice it still plays sound through the original audio device that was selected when the launcher first loaded.

This has been happening for as long as I can remember.
I’d add an option for the user to decide which audio device they want Roblox to output to.

System Specs:
OS: Windows 10 Pro (Ver. 1903 - Build 18362.418)
Audio Devices: Irrelevant. (Any device that can output audio).
Audio Drivers:

  • Realtek High Definition Audio
  • NVIDIA High Definition Audio
  • NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)

This has been happening for a long time, across several devices.

When a ROBLOX instance is started, and the output is going to the speakers, it will fail to detect the my earphones getting plugged in.
However, if I start out with my earphones plugged in, it will properly switch devices an unlimited amount of times.

OS: Windows 10
Drivers: Realtek High Definition Audio

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It happens with me as well, when my bluetooth headphones run out of battery, the audio doesn’t switch devices and vice-versa.

Same here, whenever I connect my bluetooth device, it never switches. This forces me to reopen the client which isn’t always a good option…

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I was able to replicate this on my MacBook when switching from the speakers to AirPods with a game open.


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Sorry for bumping, but this is still occurring, and I believe it is a Roblox issue. I have 2 headsets, one of the headsets is the Audeze Mobius, which offers 3 distinct output alternatives; so if I were to change from one mode to another, it will create a new output channel. The problem is that Roblox is stuck with the old output, and it doesn’t change. This is also the case with all my 3 monitors, who have their own speakers, and my alternative headset.

Changing from any of these to another doesn’t affect where Roblox plays the sounds, it seems like it fetches the audio output when the client application starts, and keeps using it throughout the entire session, without listening for any updates.

To fix these issues, you have to rejoin a game, which isn’t entirely optimal D:

Roblox should add a way for us to manually choose what output we want the audio to go through, or choose the system default. This would allow for greater flexibility, and it would also most likely resolve any additional issues in the future if we change the output.


Found a hacky workaround, if you go to devices and disable the current output device, Roblox will automatically change to another one in-game, and it’s working nicely.

It’s extremely annoying, as it’s happening for me currently out of no where. When I have my headphones already plugged in, it switches to my alternative bluetooth signal/Hands Free AG Audio that I can’t fix despite my stereophonic output being my default sound, and it kicks it off my output changer on the windows taskbar.

Bumping this topic for further notice.

It disconnects my bluetooth (atleast for my suspicion) and switches to any audio output that I have.

The audio part/the audio output wasn’t shown for some reason even though OBS is on display capture, what happened is it that it switched to my TV speakers and disconnected my bluetooth headphones. I’m not sure why and this only happens on ROBLOX as I’m sure of. I’ve deleted and reinstalled ROBLOX and updated my headphone aka I’ve tried 1 driver, and including window updates that brought me nothing relative to a bluetooth update and just a antivirus update.

I will continue to edit this as I’m going to try and find the result.

P.S. I’ve disabled my Free-Hands AG Audio part of my headphones on window’s sounds settings, not device manager.

Sorry for the late response here. We couldn’t reproduce these issues, and we believe many of them may have been fixed by a past update. Is anyone still having trouble with this?

We will be closing this bug since we have been unable to reproduce it in the current releases.

Yup, I can. It started happening when the output selector was added in the menu.