Roblox authenticator check

Roblox, I’m asking for you guys to add a authenticator check into limited selling or at-least a pin check.

If I got cookie-logged right now they’re able to sell my limiteds with my premium, you might ask abt “trading limiteds” but I’ve turned off that feature from anyone trading me and they would need a pin to open trading. If I don’t got premium they able to PURCHASE a premium themselves.

Which I still don’t feel safe about this, that’s why we need a authenticator check or PIN check on limited selling.

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I support this a lot.

There is already authentication check for group payouts, the same thing for selling/trading limiteds would be a massive upgrade.

Kinda annoying when they tried protecting my 2 robux, should only apply to higher values, such as 100+

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it already has autenticator checks when sell items

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They don’t got it, i checked myself and yeah nope