Roblox available now on PlayStation!

THIS!! I installed roblox on my ps4 today and was shocked to see no music playing on the main menu. Hopefully this is adjusted :slight_smile:


The annoying, short, repetitive music is the thing I hate the most about the Xbox Client alongside the outdated nature of it (annnd the missing features.) It’s extremely irritating hearing the same thing repeating every 30s-1m over, and over, and over again. The mobile client doesn’t have background music, the desktop client doesn’t have background music, the website doesn’t have background music, and I think the console clients shouldn’t either, especially not the one that the Xbox client has currently.

Report it to the @Bug-Support DMs and if it looks good they should forward it to a full post. That’s what I’ve done when reporting bugs about the Xbox client.

But talking about bug reports, where would bug reports for the PlayStation client go? Right now there’s only one for Xbox bugs, Will a new sub-category be made for PlayStation or will it be rolled up into one general “Console Bugs” category?

11PM EDT October 12th, still waiting for the time I will see the outdated and broken old client that has stayed practically unchanged (visually) since its release oh so many years ago.

Again, why couldn’t this just be done right alongside the release of the PlayStation client. With due respect you’ve guys had literal years to iron out the issues of the Xbox client and come up with a better UI design for it.


Since this is taking a while for it to roll up, i will just go ahead and say this.
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Congratulations Roblox Playstation Team, you broke your own Console Development Guidelines, how did you guys messed this up badly?

Whats the point of having this IF you’re not gonna have ANY sounds in the main menu of Playstation version?

And plus the main menu doesn’t even have any music which makes it also sound empty, i mean sure, both Xbox and PS4/5 do this where there’s no background music but at least there are sounds. And plus i just want to mention that both Nintendo Wii and Wii U had background music in their main menus, if this version of Roblox released on those platforms, it would sound EMPTY!

My honest suggest is to add some actual sounds to not sound empty and also try to make your main menu FOLLOW your OWN Console Development Guidelines.

And for background music, i suggest using maybe the background music from “Roblox Innovation Awards Voting Hub” (2022 or even 2023) since that would fit very well with the main menu.

I do apologize if this sounded mean or even toxic, its just that I’m really upset about that you guys made these full on new Guidelines for Console Development for Developers to use, and you’re not even gonna even follow most of it on a CONSOLE MAIN MENU.

Also i might as well say this but what the hell were you guys doing over the last 7 years since the Xbox version launched?
From what i know, I know that you were in a Microsoft contract, although I’m not sure when that contract ended. (and not to mention the covid situation that happened two years ago…)

The reason why I’m asking this is because the menu feels… kinda rushed.

I really REALLY hope you guys will fix this menu since at the moment its not great.


When does the new Xbox UI start rolling out?? i have not got it yet.

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I have not heard any news about it and Especially that the xbox ui has not changed since the rebrand in 2017


Will PlayStation be added to the Studio Device Emulator? I want to ensure that the correct images and strings display on my UI, but I only have a generic controller to test with. I need to be able to override the controller type to be able to display the right strings and images using the UserInputService methods.


if you think having no music is not empty, then think again.

yes it may get annoying, but they can simply add a SERIES of music.

roblox literally broke their own console guidelines in the main menu as stated by @birdmartinyt

website doesnt have background music because its a literal website, mobile client is an exception because- oh wait, its not an exception, because guess what, literally any other mobile game on the app store or google play has background music in any type of main menu. same with console, every console game has background music in their main menus

sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, i just tried to point something out.


they added it a week or so ago and removed it again, not sure why. anyway, the xbox one is pretty much the same in the emulator

if it changes the control images and stuff, thats cool then, because i thought it just changes the screen size and adds mobile controls if its mobile

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exactly! i like the ps main menu, but its just feeling so empty because theres not even sound effects or music at all. dont know how roblox managed to break their own rules


I never said that nor took any steps to imply such, but if we’re going to be playing a game of twisting words or just putting words in peoples mouths, I have no choice but to end the conversation.


i mean you clearly stated that in your post that the music is “repetitive”

i just listened to the xbox theme for 10 mins straight and didnt get bored of it btw


That’s not true. Wine literally stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator. Also Vinegar is just a Wrapper but Wine is what is doing all the work.

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That doesn’t mean I said that “no music is not empty” I’m just saying the current music on the Xbox client is annoying, repetitive, and in your face. It should be more a quiet ambient hum or something like that.

Current background music on the Xbox client I think is like 30 seconds to a minute long, so yes, its repetitive, which makes it annoying.


Yeah I know I just call it an emulator for some reason even though I know it isn’t. Its true name is that its a “Translation Layer”

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Let’s go! This is what we all were waiting for!! A big Roblox W in a while!


You can literally modify the legacy Text Chat, as a developer, to turn off filtering. It was a crisis, except nowadays Roblox catches people who do this relatively quickly.

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When will Xbox get a new look?

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We aren’t really sure. They were supposed to roll it out a day ago.

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Oh alright, hopefully it comes out soon!


which requires access to the chat scripts… once again, these can’t be accessed on console…
If you have an exploiter already that can BREAK roblox from the console then you must be a god.