Roblox Avatar Not Loading Into Blender

I’ve been trying to render a GFX using Blender but the model fails to import for some reason into blender.
I import the model in as an OBJ file into the rig but when I did that, it didn’t show up.
(The orange point is the model)

I presume you are talking about the hats that also import into the avatar, which is what is suppose to happen.

When you are using your rig, the rig will only reconize the texture for your avatar, not your hat models, since the rig is only meant to reconize the avatar of the character, meaning you would have to import your hats sepretly and link them to your rig manually.

Since you’re using PaintRigV3, this process is quite easy.

You would do the following:

  • Go to Roblox Studio and click all your hats (CTRL + RMB) and then click RMB and export it as a .obj file
  • Go to blender, with the already inserted rig, and click File > Import > Wavefront (.obj)
  • Find the file where you saved your hats, and insert it into your blender file
  • Make sure it is centered to your arrows properly by going to Object > Origin > Origin to Geometry
  • Then, manually align it with your rig’s head.
  • Then, once it is aligned, you would select your hats, and the rig’s head and press CTRL + P which will open your Set Parent menu, and then you would click Object

Once you do all these steps correctly, your hats should align with your character properly.

If you’re still confused, watch this video, it’ll go through everything you need:


No, like the hats literally do not load in, the textures are fine I think, at least they appear fine when I pull them up from my files. The hats I exported as an obj file doesn’t load into Blender when I import them in. The import works, but afterwords I just see an orange point.

I’m confused on what you’re stuck on then. You need to import your hats as a obj sepretly.

I did, they just don’t show up after I import them

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they are there. just select your hat in this thing: Screen Shot 2021-10-04 at 3.53.27 PM
then in the 3d viewport select: object > set origin > geometry to origin


I realize my mistake now, I forgot to set the avatar loader to build the character at origin on the Roblox baseplate. Thanks!

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honestly i just change the origin in blender. much easier then re-exporting

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I tried origin to geometry but it funked everything together at one point because I imported the hats as split by group so I just re-imported them.

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what do you mean? i just want to know

All the objects I selected had their origin set but like clumped together. Kind of like a ton of parts that all go to one point.

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yeah its like that, just move them all onto their correct places.

I was afraid the positioning would be wrong ¯_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

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