Roblox avatar settings may not apply when a player is uploaded to the playground

Player can boot with the default settings of the Roblox avatar.
We do not know the exact steps of reproducing the bug, but we will list some cases.
1 case - the player made a reconnect on the window with information about the disconnect due to 20 minutes of inactivity.
Case 2 - the player has reset the progress, loaded into the Hub with a custom avatar, and started the tutorial. According to the hints of the tutorial, I followed PG Santa Monica, loaded there with a default avatar.
We reproduce this bug at [Outdated] 🏀 Basketball Dunk Heroes 🏀 - Roblox
Reproduction Steps:

  1. Make sure that the player does not have a default avatar
  2. Launch the game
  3. Upload to the Hub or to any PG
  4. Make sure that the player’s roblox avatar matches the settings on the roblox website

Platform: PC
Repro Frequency: 10%

Expected behavior

The player is loaded with a custom Roblox avatar

A private message is associated with this bug report


I’m having a similar issue where “AvatarEditorService:GetItemDetails()” is reaching the request rate limit much faster than in the past in Saber Showdown - Roblox and it’s taking longer to load outfits.


My issue seems to happen directly after a shutdown

(the Too Many Requests error is the server errors)


After more research my issue was just because of this “All endpoints on AvatarEditorService have experience-level throttling. For each experience, this throttling allows you to send up to 100 requests per second to the AvatarEditorService, regardless of the number of API keys or user count. Exceeding these limits returns a 429 Too Many Requests error.” and on shutdowns I do around 1 query per player in the game.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.