Roblox Ban Appeal Form Link Fo Trello Board


I have a Ban Appeal form in my game for users who are banned, and when they submit their form, a message gets sent to discord with all their answers. Instead of this linking to my discord server I would like to link it to a Trello Board, I don’t know how to do that, so I was wk seeing if some of you could help me out, Thanks!

Script with Discord Webhook:

local url = " Sharing Webhook"
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local cd = {}

game.ReplicatedStorage.BanAppeal.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, q1, q2, q3)
	if not q1 or typeof(q1)~="string" or not q2 or typeof(q2)~="string" or not q3 or typeof(q3)~="string" then return end
	if cd[player.UserId] and cd[player.UserId]>tick() then
		cd[player.UserId]=tick()+120 --2 min
	local data = {
		['embeds'] = {{
			['title'] = "New Ban Appeal From " .. player.Name .. ":" .. player.UserId,
			['description'] = "Ban Appeal",
			['color'] = 082888,

			['fields'] = {
					['name'] = "Why were you banned?",
					['value'] = q1,
					['inline'] = false
					['name'] = "Why did you do this action that caused you to get banned?",
					['value'] = q2,
					['inline'] = false
					['name'] = "Why do you believe you should be unbanned?",
					['value'] = q3,
					['inline'] = false
					['name'] = "Do you understand that your appeal may be denied?",
					['value'] = "Yes",
					['inline'] = false

					['name'] = "Do you agree to not contact us regarding your appeal? You may rejoin to check your appeal status.",
					['value'] = "Yes",
					['inline'] = false
					['name'] = "End Of Ban Appeal",
					['value'] = "Extra Player Information Below",
					['inline'] = false
					['name'] = "Account User ID: ",
					['value'] = player.UserId,
					['inline'] = false
					['name'] = "Account Profile URL: ",
					['value'] = "" .. player.UserId .. "/profile",
					['inline'] = false

			['footer'] = {
				['text'] = "Server ID: Ban Appeal (TCRP Ban Hub) | Public Server"

	local finaldata = http:JSONEncode(data)
	http:PostAsync(url, finaldata)

I believe Hydra shutdown their proxy a month or two ago.


Trello is completely dead in roblox. I have posted an alternative to use php and a sql database with 000webhost and I will link my tutorial there

I haven’t done this before, but I did find this tutorial for a whole ban system that goes into probably too much detail for your case about how to do this. The important thing is that you need two values tied to your Trello API key (at 3:51), and you need to pay close attention to the URL and how you format it. Other than that, you’re going to have to change the layout of your data dictionary, as the formatting for JSON is different for Trello (at 14:53). You can read more on the JSON formatting for Trello here.

I’ve tried this before, and I couldn’t get it to work