So users can create their own texture while in studio and not having to download/use an external program.
Textures would still have to be moderated.
But before I knew how to use textures on Roblox I had no idea they even really existed. I think Roblox should promote them more, so users can customise and create more original games and themes with ease.
The “Tool” should open a gui/window that has a square box where users will draw.
There should be a wide range of colours to choose from as well as tools. Also the ability to import roblox decals and screenshots? You could also have templates for users to start on like, metal, dirt, grass and checkers.
[li]Selection/Move tool?[/li]
[li]Line tool[/li]
[li]Shape tool (square, eclipse)[/li]
[li]Mirror tool (To reflect a certain part of the art)[/li]
If you would like me to design I mock layout, I am willing to.
This would definitely cool, but I have a couple of issues with it:
There are companies that spend millions to develop professional texture / photo editors (Photoshop, etc). I think that I would like to see ROBLOX focus on other things since we can already do this with more advanced texture editors.
On an unrelated note, I think they should also do this with their current text editor. Instead of focusing on making it better, allow us a way to use external text editors for our scripts (note: I think this is coming soon).
I think what I am trying to get at is an easier way for newer users to create and use textures.
The process at the moment:
[li]Have photo editing software
[li]Upload it to Roblox
[li]Wait for it to be moderated
[li]Minus the ID by 1
[li]Roblox Studio>Part>Insert object>Texture>Paste Assest ID
Surely Roblox can and should make this an easier process?
[quote] I think what I am trying to get at is an easier way for newer users to create and use textures.
The process at the moment:
[li]Have photo editing software
[li]Upload it to Roblox
[li]Wait for it to be moderated
[li]Minus the ID by 1
[li]Roblox Studio>Part>Insert object>Texture>Paste Assest ID
Surely Roblox can and should make this an easier process? [/quote]
Waiting for it to be moderated is not a step because you can use it prior to it being approved/disapproved.
You’re forgetting that it’s also easier to upload right now than you stated. Current:
[li]Make image in preferred editor of choice
[li]upload to game tab in studio via Add Image or Add multiple images
[li]Roblox Studio>Part>Insert object>Texture>rbxgameasset://nameOfFile.png You even get a handy dropdown menu.
It already is extremely easy to do. ROBLOX has no need to make their own editor that would be extremely underdeveloped and aggravating to use. As badcc said, there are companies who spent millions of dollars to make photo editing software, and those programs are much better than what ROBLOX could make (remember, these programs require updates and lots of effort, something ROBLOX doesn’t have to spare with the tiny number of employees it has). They already have made it easy, and I believe I heard them say something about allowing more assets to be uploaded through the Game tab in the future.
They could always port an open source editor like Gimp or Paint.Net? Just like they could port Blender for mesh editing. I think it could, at the very least, be INTERESTING. Maybe even helpful.
Do the licenses of those programs allow for them to be re-used for non-private use in business? Also, why would ROBLOX go through the trouble of porting and maintaining an image editor just so people don’t have to open up another program? Remember – “Just 'cause” isn’t enough reason to have something added. If going to your desktop and opening an image editor really kills you, I would think right click > open image in editor (on decals, textures, image GUIs, etc) (editor could be modified in studio settings)and right click > create new image on the Game tab’s assets section would be a much better alternative to maintaining a whole image editor program when tons of great ones already exist.
The images that are not yet approved do not appear for other users.
Thanks for the insight on the game explorer, I have briefly seen yet forgot it as I switched to system menu and didn’t use the game explorer.
Then my improvement would be making the game explorer more noticeable.
[quote] The images that are not yet approved do not appear for other users.
Thanks for the insight on the game explorer, I have briefly seen yet forgot it as I switched to system menu and didn’t use the game explorer.
Then my improvement would be making the game explorer more noticeable. [/quote]
It’s available on SystemMenu as well. The game explorer is equally as visible as the properties+explorer windows. IIRC those start off hidden by default, just as the game explorer is. Also, I find this as a good setup for tabs so I don’t have to constantly toggle them on/off:
“The images that are not yet approved do not appear for other users.”
Nor would they with a ROBLOX image editor. I don’t see why you’d bring it up since it’s there in every scenario. You don’t need other players to see it while you develop either. Just make updates to a test place and then when the assets are finally all approved update it to the main place.
I know it’s available in System menu too.
Also I was talking about the button not being very clear in system menu, not the tab itself, silly.
Nice setup, but as I hardly script at the moment I wouldn’t have the output open, also I just right click>Insert Object rather than using the object tab, this makes more space for the properties window which is quite important when mainly building. It’s meant to be customisable for all needs, although your setup would be quite efficient for someone who is doing more of a variety of work.
Also there’s no need to nit pick at everything I say, I am not questioning your intelligence of Roblox.
Do the licenses of those programs allow for them to be re-used for non-private use in business? Also, why would ROBLOX go through the trouble of porting and maintaining an image editor just so people don’t have to open up another program? Remember – “Just 'cause” isn’t enough reason to have something added. If going to your desktop and opening an image editor really kills you, I would think right click > open image in editor (on decals, textures, image GUIs, etc) (editor could be modified in studio settings)and right click > create new image on the Game tab’s assets section would be a much better alternative to maintaining a whole image editor program when tons of great ones already exist.[/quote]
Unfortunately we live in reality. We have to think of the most realistic ideal scenario, and not just whatever suits us best. The work required simply isn’t worth the couple seconds we gain from not going to our desktop and opening a program.
Using local files would be a better solution. That way we could update a file in and it’d change when the game state changed (ie Edit > Play Solo) then, when we actually upload the place file to ROBLOX a prompt would pop up asking if we wish to include local files.
Yeah – it’s a pain to have to re-upload for each tiny change. It would be less frustrating if we could edit an image and the change would happen in studio without us having to create a new image.
It’s also worth noting a lot of software already does as I have suggested. Sony Vegas is a perfect example of this, it allows you to open audio in an external editor and when you save it, the changes update within Vegas.