What do you mean? The fact it takes 3 seconds, or the fact it even exists? I personally find it cool to have some form of interpolation rather to have your camera suddenly there.
I have been thinking of making the interpolation X seconds for every 100 studs or so, if that would make it better at all.[/quote]
I mean it’s a neat effect but I find myself fighting it in the last second when I spawn. I see my character so I try to start moving and the camera doesn’t give me control until a second later.
camera is annoying when you respawn
repair doesn’t always work (repair costs 70, I have 72, nope.) might require that you have the full price?
dodgeball spawns you inside a wall/outside sometimes
[quote] camera is annoying when you respawn
repair doesn’t always work (repair costs 70, I have 72, nope.) might require that you have the full price?
dodgeball spawns you inside a wall/outside sometimes [/quote]
I will look into all three of these issues. I think I ran into the 3rd one before, but will look into.
Edit: Found the issue for Dodgeball. The script had specific positions indicated, and I put the map in the wrong location.
Edit2: Fixed 2nd and 3rd bugs, due for next release.
So… I gave Jack a code to give out on stream and he said he would give it out… that did not happen.
That was pretty much my last chance to get the last chance on getting the game popular. I might as well do the Halloween update then cut my loses and cancel the project, even though I still haven’t made my full 75,000 tix from the ads.
[quote] So… I gave Jack a code to give out on stream and he said he would give it out… that did not happen.
That was pretty much my last chance to get the last chance on getting the game popular. I might as well do the Halloween update then cut my loses and cancel the project, even though I still haven’t made my full 75,000 tix from the ads. [/quote]
PM me on ROBLOX. I can work something out to help reimburse some. I like the idea so I wish it would have worked out better! Username LostInfinity.
Yup. Hype is your best friend when trying to get something to the front page.
Also an important issue: you seem to assume that all of your desired players have played and are familiar with the original ROBLOX Battle. I’d say it’s probably the opposite; it’s long past the original game’s prime, and hardly any of the newer ROBLOX users will know what that game is. Many of the people who were around then may not be on ROBLOX anymore. All of your thumbnails/ads talk about what’s been improved from the original, but that won’t really attract players who haven’t played the original.
It’s important to have action shots that say “Hey! Look at this awesome battle game, don’t you wanna join in and blox people?!” to really encourage people to play your game. Don’t be too focused on the remastered stuff, advertise it like you would a new game. I think just a change in marketing strategy might help you out a lot.
Source: I haven’t played the original ROBLOX Battle (I was on hiatus during its time)
I somewhat realized that after starting the ads, and then seeing the comments saying I just copied the game and added nothing (because most people thing Remasters are just copying the game). However… since I am still 65,000 tix in the hole… I don’t really want to invest even more in ads, since ads can go for 20 tix per click.
I am going to try to do a Halloween update to get on the featured sort. I plan to add a pretty cool feature, but for now, here is the first half of the front-end work for it.
Still have some more guis to move from 2D to 3D. The inventory will probably be a nightmare.