ROBLOX Broke my PBR Textures?

I was creating a SCP Site recently here with the PBR Textures update for materials, but when I loaded in-game today it looked like this:

There’s also a weird glitch happening that shows textures that I don’t even have uploaded to the map?

For clarification, the map looked like this last time I opened studio:

What the hell is going on?

EDIT: Just to clarify, yes all the textures were approved and not declined by moderation


Its a bug with organic materials.

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They’re set to regular though, not organic.

Assuming you’re using the new MaterialVariant and/or some of the 2022 materials, that hasn’t been enabled for live games yet and will only affect games in studio.

We’re not talking about live games, talking purely studio at the moment.

I can’t load into studio at the moment so I can’t confirm if this is a studio-wide bug or an isolated incident but have you tried restarting or reinserting the materials?

That’s strange, on my end I wasn’t able to replicate it for Regular Pattern although it did bug out with Organic. I’m in the process of getting a bug-report sent so if you do get more information with replication steps on your end share it with @Bug-Support . Also try to provide a replication file.

I’ll work on that now, give me a quick moment. It’s going to be hard to lay out steps to replicated as all I did was really load into studio and notice it.

I don’t know what to do now, as I reloaded into studio and it’s fixed itself…

I also have this issue and mine doesn’t seem to have fixed itself yet.

Yea this always happends to me even when i put new mattrials but it dosent break when i dont put the metlic map for me for some reason