Hello! I wrote a simple function that automatically autocorrects a string;
local function AutoCorrect(s: string) --> "hello"
local newString = string.sub(s, 1, 1):upper() .. string.sub(s, 2) .. "."
return newString --> "Hello."
Now my question is, how would I implement this into the bubblechat system, so that when you send a message in chat, it will automatically autocorrect that message. I have no idea where to place this function and where to use it as I have alot of difficulty reading the Roblox Bubblechat Script.
Unfortunatelly, I don’t think this is possible on Roblox’s chat. You have to write a custom chat system, listen for the message they are trying to send, edit it and send it.
Edit: With a little researching, I saw I was wrong.
You should do checks to make sure you aren’t messing up the string. Eg if the user inputted a word that ended with a full stop, would you still want to put a full stop at the end?
Why wouldnt you just edit the code? It already gives you the envoirment to do it.
local function Run(ChatService)
local function ReverseTheChatMsgFilterFunction(speakerName, messageObj, channelName)
local msgTxt = messageObj.Message
msgTxt = string.sub(msgTxt , 1, 1):upper() .. string.sub(msgTxt, 2) .. "."
messageObj.Message = msgTxt
ChatService:RegisterFilterMessageFunction("ReverseChatMsg", ReverseTheChatMsgFilterFunction)
return Run