Roblox bug/termination (supposd to be website bugs)

roblox bug

Hello guys, as you probably could tell im LSELFAVER (but right now Coolest_LSELFAVER), well
I created this topic just to say that theres a bug, if you are reading this, as of 2023 im terminated due to a testing places

Why were you terminated?

a testing place

What was inside of the place?
as what i remember just 4 blocks of grass and sand falling
i never knew moderation could ban something like 4 blocks of grass and sand falling
Why did you make this topic?
because when you get terminated twice, any report would lead to your termination

Will this topic be hidden?
90% sure

Did you already try appealing?

third time in terminated.

i just wanted to say if you are a ROBLOX admin could you just unban me?

Will i be unbanned because of this topic?
99% no
1% just dreaming

im probably going to get so much hate about this
im probably going to get my email blocked and other stuff
also be careful while making test places
the reason why this is a “BUG” its because when you get terminated twice any report could get you banned
sorry if it doenst and if i didnt you can close this topic
what did i learn by this topic?
ALWAYS CLOSE your testing places if theyre cotains something that can make you get warning/banned


also theres a bug in the devforum when you get terminated in the website nothing happens here (in the devforum website)
if that was supposed to happen my bad

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dang bro that’s sad to hear, roblox moderation these days are very strict


dont say that they will not like that type of response but ok


that makes sense but i hope i dont get any warn or ban for that message and you get unbanned one day

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